
The Prophecy by Strawberrycordial


The prophesy

"When bliss becomes hatred

And hate becomes love

Two unlikely beings will rise above

Powers enhanced

Feelings purged

Until rightness has emerged

The powers attract

The evil back

And the love will become abstract

Join in the circle

And view the cage

The wise words spoken

Of the age".

"Very good Higurashi..." Kagome bowed in respect to her teacher and returned to her seat. She hated poety; and she despised the idea that she had to take it for her history major. "Tell me Higurashi, what guided you to write this piece?" Her Professor, Dr. Heianziko asked.

Kagome shrugged; "It just popped into my head Sensei..."

Professor Heianziko nodded, before looking up at the clock on the wall. "Very good... Higurashi, you will leave a copy of that poem on my desk. Class is done; I have to be at a meeting soon."

"Yes Professor..." Was heard throughout the room.

As Kagome packed her things she found that she really didn't mind this class. She hated the writing aspect of it, (she was always bad at writing papers) but Professor Heianziko was fair and believed in the benefit of the doubt. If a student forgot an assignment, it had to be in the professor's e-mail inbox before four in the afternoon.

Comparing her wrist-watch to the clock on the wall, she groaned. She had really hoped to avoid Eri and Yuka today... Bracing herself for the encounter that was to begin she placed the copy of her poem: "The Prophesy" on Professor Heianziko's desk and left the room.

Dr. Heianziko shrugged off her suit jacket as soon as her class was gone. She didn't even bother going into the classroom to retrieve Higurashi's poem. She blinked and it appeared in her hand. Smiling happily, she disappeared from the room.


Kagome looked around before rubbing the necklace on which the dormant Shikon no Tama rested. She sensed a power she never encountered before on her journeys to the Feudal Era. Promising herself to keep an extra sense out there for anything unusual, she turned her attention back to Yuka and Hojo who were concerned that she was getting ill again.


Professor Heianziko was in a very ornate room. Looking out of place in her pencil skirt and her specially made Jimmy Choo blouse.

"Kissyoten, what have you to say about the young priestess Kagome Higurashi?"

Professor Heianziko smiled happily at the woman sitting on a very ornate chair that was obviously meant for a ruler of some stature. Heianziko's attire melded into an ornate kimono. A Crystal gem resting above her folded hands.

"No wish has been made... However, I believe that her journey is far from over." Kissyoten said respectfully to the goddess on the throne.

Kissyoten's husband, Bishamon stood next to his wife, spear held at his side respectfully for the ruling goddess. "I agree with my wife bright-one... Her soul needs the strengthened companionship of a male and a trial to test her mettle..."

The Goddess on the throne nodded, thinking when Kissyoten approached; her smile never fading. "I believe young Kagome is aware of something that is to happen to her in her near future..."

"Why do you say this?" The goddess asked.

Pulling out the printed paper from her sleeve, Kissyoten handed it to the Goddess. Silently the goddess read it and looked to the husband and wife before her. Slowly glancing back at the paper she asked Kissyoten: "She wrote this?"

Kissyoten smiled and nodded happiness settling in her eyes. Something good and interesting was going to happen. She just knew it, the bright-goddess was going to acknowledge the paper.

"Kissyoten, Bishamon. You are to oversee the events that are to happen. During the course of what the text proclaims, you two shall be the watching what shall disport."

"Yes Bright-one..." Bishamon and Kissyoten said as they disappeared from the bright yet windowless room. The Bright-Goddess smiled as she turned the mortal paper into a beautiful scroll and watched as it disappeared into the catacombs of her palace.

Her smile turned soft as she closed her eyes to see the one she blessed from birth. "Kagome, may your journey bring you all that you seek. And do not fret your loved one will find you though you may not know him as well as you think... This I, Ameterasu promise you..."

End Prologue!

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INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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