
Innocent Eyes by BlueAngel_InuMiko III

Chapter One


Innocent Eyes


Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha. Any Inu Yasha related topics are solefully and respectivley owned by Rumiko Takahashi and her producers.

Claimer: I'd like to give the Note that this fanfic is infact owned by the BlueAngel_InuMiko account and any plagurism of any kind will not be tolerated.



Author's Note: I'd like to thank everyone for their support and kindness. Kami bless you.

Warning: Sexual Situations (Lemons, Limes etc..), Gore, Violence, Description and Language.

Spoilers: No. This fanfic is compeletly original.



Chapter One

The tears I shed,

Fall down my cheek like a prayer,

And the smile's I smile,

Will stay on my face forever,

For I wear a mask,

Everywhere I go,

So then,

nobody will know,

The true me,

And have reason to complain,

About my personality,

Or my heart's claim.



A beeper screamed a shrill, annoying sound, startling a young, teenage girl awake. Higurashi Kagome fought her sheets as she tried to jump in shock.

"Eyah!" She screamed as she felt herself being tugged to the ground by a little thing known as gravity.


Blinking, Kagome tore the sheets away from her and stood up, stretching. Glaring at the alarm, she clicked it off and set it on radio.

"Knuichi wa Tokyo, Japan! Another school day, eh young youjins? Today is going to be a sunny, warm day of a high of fourty five! The polution and humidity will be high so the frizz look will be in style today!"

Kagome groaned at that announcment. Stomping to her dresser, she quickly brushed her hair as she listened to Hyouki-san on the radio.

"And here is the morning music break-down. Starting off is 'EveryHeart' by BoA."

Kagome smiled as the beautiful and touching lyrics came from her throat in unison with the ones on the radio.

"Kagome? Are you up?" Her mother's cheerful voice called from behind the door.

Rolling her eyes Kagome answered back."Hai, Oka-san!"

Mrs. Higurashi came in after a swift knock. Flashing her daughter her brilliant, soothing smile the older woman came forward starting to collect the laundry.

"Kagome, I need you to bring Souta to school today. Jii-chan has a horrible back pain, supposedly from fighting an ominous spirit in his closet and can't bring your brother in."

Kagome groaned. "Hai, I will Momma. Now can I have some privacy?" She asked tersly.

Giggling and nodding, Mrs. Higurashi left. Quickly Kagome made her bed and folded her pajama's, hiding them underneath the decorative pillow. Jumping in the shower, using her favourite shampoo 'Tenchi' , the girl hurried out and dawned her clothes. A pair of tight, faded light blue jeans hugged her long, slim legs. A pink tank top with jewels saying 'Takara' adorned her front.

Kagome blow dryed her hair the long, inky black mass lay down to the middle of her back in shinning splendor. Her large blue eyes had some light, barely noticable pink eye shadow on the lids and some mascara on her long, curved eye lashes.

Her fair complection was difficult to find blush, so Kagome ignored that accesory. Using some 'Oka Daily Concealer' to hide any non existent pimples and to smooth the skin underneath her eyes, she was ready. While brushing her teeth and flossing, Kagome pondered.

'I don't need much make up, I'm not Kagura!' Kagome's beautiful face pulled into a scowl at the reminder of her tormentor.

'Sometime's I wish that one of the dicks she screws with will impale her too hard.' Giggling at the thought of Kagura dieing from the thing she loved most, Kagome hurriedly packed her new black napsac with her books and scooted down stairs.

Mrs. Higurashi handed her one thousand yen. "Here's some money for some lunches for the week." Her mother said kindly as she handed a home-made lunch to her younger brother, Souta.

Nodding, Kagome and Souta smiled their thanks and gave a quick kiss to each her cheeks.

"Souta! Come on!" Grabbing her car keys, a simple but stylish Persitia, black and sleek, Kagome stepped into her baby.

Souta murmured an, "Arigatou onee-san."

Kagome smiled and hugged her small brother. "No problem, Souta! So any new crushes?" She teased as they backed out of the lane way.

Souta blushed. "Iie.."

Kagome shrugged. "O well it's the girl's lost, ne?"

Souta smiled brightly at his beautiful sister. 'Why does onee-san get beat up and have so many bruises and cuts on her? Why does she always look sad when she is coming or going to school? The boy pondered as he looked up his beloved sister.

"Okay, Souta. Have a nice day! Enjoy the Tahanshi and Sushi Oka-saan gave you, it looks yummy!" Kagome waved good bye and quickly drove to her own school and imprisonment, Hakanshi High.


Taisho Sesshomaru left his new 360 Spider ferrier with his partner, Onisumo Kagura. Her red eyes gleamed with satiation after their enjoying and fulfilling morning awakening. Kagura came and slithered onto his arm, her red lips pulled into a sexy smile.

"Sesshy, I loved this morning. Perhaps at lunch we can drop by the house for some..lunch?" Her husky voice whispered into his senses.

His cool, golden eyes stayed forward, never wavering. "Perhaps. I will make no promises, Kagura. Remember, you do not own me. And I certainly don't own you. That is, after what I've heard of you and Naraku, ne?" Sesshomaru smirked as her body stiffened.

Kagura stopped him, trying to pull him into her. "Sesshy, you know I only love you! And...Naraku forced himslf onto me!" Her voice became shrill and desperate.

Sesshomaru turned, a silver brow raised in mockness. "Really, Kagura? The pictures and video I saw looked like you were a very willing vitcim, especailly the part you screaming his name."

Sesshomaru watched in cool detachment as her already moon white face became paler than snow.


"As I've reminded you continously, Kagura, you do not own me and I you. Our meetings are only brief encounters to satiate me and your helpless attraction to myself."

Kagura's eyes became stormy but her lips stayed firmly closed. She was no fool to try and butt heads with Taisho Sesshomaru, it just wasn't done. Just then, a Persitia pulled in beside her Sessho's car. Stepping out was -her-. That Higurashi girl!

Striking an intmidating pose, Kagura sneered. "Whats with the peice o' junk, Higurashi? Did the shrine finally get boldouzed?" Kagura watched in satisfaction as the girl's body tensed under her her scutiny.

"No, it didn't, Kagura." Her soft voice answered back.

Sesshomaru watched from the side lines, enjoying the tearing of this social reject. What a disgusitng ningen. All of them were. Lowly filth that he had to put up with in his school. It wasn't that she was unattractive, for a ningen she was passable. But not to him, Heir of the Taisho Corp and Western Lands, Seshomaru himself.

Kagome turned and watched in fear and anger as Kagura came before her, her claws extended. She looked at those, long, bloody red painted claws. 'Why must she go after me?' She thought angrily.

"Don't you know, little Higurashi, that the white zone is only for the upper class people, youkai perhaps? Not social losers." Kagura sneered again, her voice making the other girl cringe.

"Ya give i' to her, Kagura!" A voice encouraged.

Kagome started panicking. Kikyo, Ayame, Yura appeared as Inu Yasha, Kouga, Hiten and Naraku. She was trapped! Kagura pushed her roughly, her red eyes dancing with malice. The boys smirked at the cat fight. Another one with that stuck up, artic bitch, Kagome. Kagome's blue eyes became harder then steel.

"Back off, Kagura." She said calmly. Her cold facade didn't waver but inside she was screaming. Kagura bore her fangs.

"Your nothing but a disgusting little ningen miko with no powers or use at all. No on could be paid to screw you." Kagura called causing hoots of laughter from her friends.

Kagome stood reed still, her eyes locked away from these tormentor's. She turned and started walking away.

"Disgusting. Just like her father. What a loser he was, dieing from a car crash. A weak, disgusting ningen, just like her."

Kagome froze. 'Otou..' Her mind whispered. She forced down the tears.

'She dishonored father. Poor, helpless, father..' Kagome turned back swiftly.

"You bitch. You said you couldn't pay anyone to bed me? Who needs to give you money when you open your legs for free, you dirty little slut." She had said it.

Kagura's eyes widened and then gleamed with hate and voilence. The boys behind her snickered except for Sesshomaru who just smirked at Kagura's rage. She was going to get it now.

Kagura leapt at Kagome, smashing the unprepared girl into a nearby pole. Grabbing her silken locks, Kagura took her claws and brought them before her face.

"What would you do if I made you uglier, Kagome? Hmm?" And with that, Kagura sliced her claws an inch deep down the bared girl's arms.

Kagome withheld her screams, dissapointing Kagura. Kagura looked up into those blue jewels. Pain. Hate...then they became locked. Emotionless. Kagura stepped away and wipe Kagome's blood on her new, pink top.

"Disgusting blood. Reeks of lowly, dirt ningen." She purred. Turning and leaving with her laughing group, Kagome trembled slightly as she watched them depart from her blurring vision.

"Kagome-chan!" A yell called out.

Kagome turned to see Miroku and Sango running towards her.

Sango's chocolate eyes filled with tears. "Kagome-chan, gomen ne....I tried but Miroku-baka wouldn't let me come.." Sango glared at the violet eyed boy.

"Kagome, gomen. But remember what happend to Sango last time?" Miroku said calmly.

Kagome nodded, her eyes becoming hard at her friend's reminder. Yes last time Sango had ended up with a knife in her back and still bore the scar.

Kagome slid back up the pole. "H-hai. N-no Sango. I'm fine. Now let's repark my car, ne?" Kagome gave a trembling but brave smile as she parked her car far away from the white zone.

Miroku watched this. "Why did we ever hang out with them, Sango? Even Kagome was Kagura's best friend. Where did everything go wrong?"

Sango nodded in agreement. Long ago all of them, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Inu Yasha, Kouga, Naraku, Kikyo, Kagura, Ayame and her had been the close and envied group of Hakanshi High. Kagome was the source of their ridicule, Sango remembered. Until one day, Kagome helped her after Kagura humiliated her by having pictures of her in nothing more then a thong (she was drunk at the time) given to every boy in the school.

Posters saying 'One Drink and I'll Lick Your Dick!' with her on them covered the school hallways. All this because Sango asked if Kagome really deserved all their harsh treatment.

Sango had been hesitating to let the girl known as 'Frosty Bitch' , 'Artic Pussy', 'Tighter then a Nun' Higurashi help her. The girl showed compassion and for some reason, understanding. One day Kaogme had come upon her crying in the washroom. Sango had been crying because of Kagura's 'cunning posters' that lay scattered throughout the school.

"It's okay. Im sorry to say this but I dont like looking at your breasts, personally. Plus the picture doesn't show your true side, ne?."

Sango looked up from the floor to see a smiling girl. "You! Stay away from me, Higurashi!" Sango yelled angrily. She watched as Kagome cringed.

Kagome leaned down. "Sango, why do you hate me? Have I ever done anything to you? Ever acted out towards you?"

Those questions burned through her mind. Kagome took her silence as rejection. Seeing her leave, Sango yelled. "N-no."

Kagome stopped at the girl's washroom door. Turning, a friendship was born. Sango soon found herself going to school in Kagome's car, hanging out after school, doing homework together, having sleepovers and even buying lunches for eachother. A close and irreplacable friendship had been found. After a few weeks of this, Kagura approached her.

"Why are you hanging with Frost Bitch?" She asked one lunch time, all the while glaring down at the silent Kagome.

Sango cringed. She had known this time would come. "Kagura, Kagome friend." The soft whisper met the now enraged Kagura's ears.

Kagura's eyes flashed with malice. "Did you hear that, their -friends-!"

The group laughed scornfully. Sango looked at the now cold and distant Kagome. 'She's espexcting me to bail out now.' The girl realized. Standing and looking into Kagura's now confused face, Sango nodded.

"Hai she is my friend." The girl announced strongly, stunning th shocked Kagome even more.

After a swear and promises' to ruin her life and a couple of smacks to entertain the ever listening cafeterium, the group left after a enraged Kagura. Sango and Kagome managed to stay strong against the whole school. Miroku soon joined them after he was linked to Sango for loving her. Shippo, the kitsune, joined their small group of four. He was the same age as them and a computer whiz.

Bankutsou and Jakutsou joined their tiny rebellion as well. Soon there was six of them. And thats all that was needed. That is, until the Hakanshi High started to plot, plan and devise.


Rate and Review!

1000 yen= About 10 bucks? Lol around there! Not quite sure! just wanitng to keep the Tokyo theme going! ^_^!


Knuichi wa: Hello

Youjins: Children

-san/sama: Sign of respect

Oka-san/Oka-saan: Mother

Jii-chan: Grandfather

Tenchi: Angel, Angelic

Takara: Treasure

Oka: Ocean, Middle of Ocean

Argiatou: Thankyou

Onee-san,Onee-chan: Can be attatched to a name or just said, means sister

Ningen: Human

miko: Priestess

Outo: Father

Hai: Yes

Gomen ne: Sorry, to apologize

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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