Hi ! My name is fabienne, I'm from quebec city ! I'm currently studient in a IB programe. I really enjoy reading fanfiction of anykind. I start writting not long ago, because of one of my friends, Mathilde. so Thanks to her !!
I hope you will enjoy my first fanfic !!
fabienne XxX
Gros calin ! :P
P.S. I put my fanfic on the same title but my nick name is tryxbella, because some one took Tryx and bellatryx. so I just twist it :) It's will be faster for the update, because I post it without to post it to my beta. So enjoy my super stupid mistake, I'm sure you are worst than me if you weren't writing in you first language. C'est pas si facile que sa réussir a bien maitriser un nouvelle langue.