dancingfingers Profile Page

About Me

An avid fan of some masterpiece manga such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Skip Beat!, Ghost Hunt, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Inuyasha, and many more.

Has been writing six fanfictions so far in Fanfiction.net. Strings Attached (Skiip Beat!), Lost in Her Eyes (Skip Beat!), Please, Don't (Ghost Hunt), Cursed Mirror (Ghost Hunt), Bittersweet (Ouran High School Host Club), and Your Spell (Ghost Hunt) but has yet to write an Inuyasha, since I don't have time to write more, and besides...


I love reading people's works than writing one *grin*


I ship Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Kagome (I think I love this pairing the most), and InuTaisho/Kagome (as long as it written beautifully). I prefer the Sess/Kag fiction where it doesn't contain Inuyasha bashing, though I have to be honest that sometimes he grates on my nerves. Boy *eyes roll*


The first Sess/Kag fiction I read is Unspoiled by the infamous forthright and thus it leads me to the wonders of this unusual (or, should I say, the proof of 'opposites attract' law?) pairing in this Feudal Era Fairy Tale (or more likely Youkai Tale? Whatever.)





User Status

12 years ago
5 years ago
10 years ago



Forum Statistics
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Total Posts130

Forum Posts
05/12/2019 07:09:58Re:Looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...3380
05/11/2019 20:33:28Re:cursed inu no taishoSearching for a Fic...3542
05/11/2019 09:42:16cursed inu no taishoSearching for a Fic...3542
03/21/2018 12:30:19Re:new fanfics to readRecommendations7488
03/16/2018 06:59:18new fanfics to readRecommendations7488
06/20/2016 22:49:26Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/KagGeneral Discussion216150
06/20/2016 22:45:44Re:Shout Out for Moonlight Silk's Wedding DayOff-Topic Discussion4954
02/15/2016 22:33:57Re:ATTENTION, FFN POSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Off-Topic Discussion23549
05/11/2015 09:18:24Re:Sesshomaru and kagome FURTHER into the pastRecommendations128310
04/23/2015 09:13:48Re:looking for Teacher SesshomaruSearching for a Fic...5744
04/17/2015 09:21:58Re:Shipping QuestionOff-Topic Discussion7083
04/16/2015 08:37:07Re:Inuyasha WORLD MAPRecommendations8580
01/11/2015 23:30:54Re:Beside You In Time by RosieBRecommendations5328
01/07/2015 23:06:15Re:What's up with fanfic.net?Off-Topic Discussion3291
01/06/2015 08:16:57Re:Assignment 8Dokuga Reviewers Guild3109
12/24/2014 22:28:12Re:Help me...please!Searching for a Fic...3979
12/11/2014 22:47:58Re:favorite Sesshomaru momentsGeneral Discussion4010
12/11/2014 22:38:36Re:Looking and LookingSearching for a Fic...5596
12/11/2014 22:34:38Re:favorite Sesshomaru momentsGeneral Discussion4010
12/11/2014 22:27:09Re:Looking and LookingSearching for a Fic...5596

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  Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer
  Kairou Watoshimi
  Aimee Blue
  The Hatter Theory
  Stella Mira


dancingfingers has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 249

To Trust Again
Sakura Petals WIP
What Would You Like?
Sweet Words
A Breath More
Oh Is This Your Shirt?
[SessKag] Stationery
His Retainer - TouKog
His Retainer - InuKik
His Retainer - SessKag
excuse me
SessKag - Kiss
[Sketch] Kissing the Night Sky
Cuddly Naps
SessKag: Fireflies
[SessKag] Open Skies
Cute Hugs
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Name Entry
Stella Mira

Created On: 02/07/2015 13:34:25

Thank you for reading and reviewing my story. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.



Created On: 01/12/2015 09:05:35

Thank you for your reviews! Yes, the general is older, and therefore, he knows that a man who only kills and fights will soon turn into well "Battosai" or "Ice King". He just wants to make sure his soldiers are human under that exterior
More dates and gifts will follow. If I have my timeline right, he has about three months before he becomes super busy again. I hope you continue to enjoy the story!
Kaoruhana ^_^

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 01/02/2015 14:59:59

Thank you for the review on Christmas Magic. *places the flipped desk back up* hahahaha many are requesting a sequel so no worries


Created On: 12/16/2014 10:47:26

Thank you for your review for "Come to Shore." To be honest, it was my aunt who was a cancer survivor and my mother who had a hysterectomy. I based the story on what the might have felt in their situations. What Hitomi feels though is exactly me. It was so hard to sit in a hospital room next to my aunt and watch as she smiled and tried to be strong when they pumped medicine into her after the chemo. I didn't know what to say to make her feel better and that's partially how Kagome's family feels. They'll always feel inadequate at really helping her because they don't go through the same things.
I'm glad you got fro the last scene what I wanted readers to get. The point was to show physical acceptance of body types more so than an actual sexual experience. It wasn't making love yet, they're not that committed to each other, it was a reclaiming of the situation so to speak. You know the saying "A picture's worth a thousand words?" Yeah, that scene was supposed to be like that. Glad to know I got that right!
The cupcake mashing scene was written on a whim. I'd stumbled across Hatter Theory's story about Rin's stitching (I can't remember the title) and thought, wouldn't it be nice if Kagome had some closure via touch or a visual. Because Sesshomaru was a baker and you can do practically anything these days with fondat, I chose that route. I actually cried writing it and couldn't look at the story for a week until I got my emotions back in order.

I'm glad you enjoyed this and hope you enjoy Part II just as much. And thank you for constantly being a consistent reviewer to my works. I look forward to them quite a bit.


Created On: 11/10/2014 22:03:50

Thanks for your continued support to "Dark Nights..." I think we all know there will be love in this union (seriously, I can't not write romance). I have no idea how to get there though. Probably letters. Since you seem so knowledgeable on this time period, any pointers you offer me will be taken into consideration.

Also, how did I just notice you're a Tsubasa fan? I LOVE that story. Funny thing, I'm actually listening to that soundtrack as I type this.


Created On: 10/26/2014 08:33:55

Thank you for your new set of reviews to "Dark Nights..." I'll have more up sometime tonight or later this week.

Yes, Sesshomaru's words are kind of odd huh? But I thought of all the ways he could have her escape and I honestly could not think of a better one. So there's that. As for whether or not the captain is fooled: I'm not going to say anything about that. You'll just have to see. As for Kaede- I'm gonna make her the smart mama who knows all and sees all. You always need one of those!

P.S. Have you figured out the identity of one of the two monks yet?


Created On: 10/11/2014 22:42:51

Thank you for your review to "The Dark Nights..." I wasn't going for 100% historical accuracy on this one, but I felt guilty about not doing so after reading your review. The good thing is, the little research I did does give me an idea and hopefully I'll be able to move from there. I always was a sucker for historical romance. And let's be honest: the time period I set this in (the Ruroken time period as I refer to it in my head) has a lot of things happening. Hopefully, I stay true to history while still keeping Sesshomaru and Kagome a little separate from it. Feel free to point out any further errors I make.
Feedback from dancingfingers: Well. I don't mean to make you feel guilty, but your determination to follow as close as possible is appreciated.
It's amusing that I kept refer Bakumatsu as Battousai era, and Meiji as Ruroken era, lol. Sengoku Jidai, of course, is Inuyasha's era... Look what manga turn the history into to me *giggles madly*

Anyway, just go with what you have planned ahead, but if somehow a little more research could help making the story even better, then do so. I still read it either way.

Good job on the current set of updates, by the way!


Created On: 10/10/2014 23:16:36

Thank you for your reviews to "The Dark..." It is AU, thank you for reminding me- I changed the universe (oopsie!) I'm sure you're getting questions answered hmm? I'm done updating for the night, but because I left it at a cliffhanger, I will put something up tomorrow.
Feedback from dancingfingers: You're welcome, kaoru! I'look forward for the next!

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 10/09/2014 08:26:14

Yes....I did put the story under the tragedy genre. Finally had the courage to do it. And no, I won't give any warnings....sorry.
But I am glad that you still chose to read the story despite the genre. Thanks!


Created On: 10/03/2014 16:48:27

No, I'm afraid I don't plan at this time to continue Sterile. But did you catch the chapter before it? It was also newly posted last night. It's one of the chibi universe that I've been writing.

Although... it occurs to me that if you liked Sterile then you will probably enjoy the next Sess/Kag I'll be posting on after Nefarious is finished. It's called Trading Yesterday and is a modern day A/U with a lot of angst.


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