Tarawriter Profile Page

About Me

Hmm, I'm never sure what to write in these, but I'll take a stab at it.  You won't find my fic here since it's not Sesshoumaru/Kagome, which is odd given they're my favorite pairing, but I've never sat down to write a story about the two of them.  Perhaps that will change when I finish my other project.

I'm married, a mom to a twelve year old, a video game fanatic, manga reader, Joss Whedon fan and many other things.  Most of my writing time is actually spent writing haiku and video game reviews for a parenting newsletter.  The joys of homeschooling!  Actually, that is a lot of fun.

As a reviewer, I'm lazy, but when I do review, take heart in that I mean what I say and compliments are always sincere.  I won't hassle writers over updates.  Ever.  If you happen upon a little fic called "Catching Up To Kagome", you already know why I won't hassle people to update; I have no room to criticize. :D

User Status

17 years ago
4 years ago
15 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts8

Forum Posts
03/29/2011 16:04:25Re:How old are you, Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion148312
03/13/2010 12:13:34Re:Home pageBug Reports/Feature Requests3716
11/28/2009 22:37:08Re:lol. Too cute. (cat with chopsticks)Off-Topic Discussion2853
11/12/2009 20:57:10Re:Paranormal ActivityOff-Topic Discussion8482
11/11/2009 03:48:11Re:Association GameForum Games1906679
11/10/2009 15:51:15Re:Paranormal ActivityOff-Topic Discussion8482
11/10/2009 15:32:45Re:Association GameForum Games1906679
11/10/2009 14:11:14Re:Need Scary Japanese Movie RecsOff-Topic Discussion4082


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Tarawriter has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 33

Kakuchuu Chapter 4 - Page 4
Team Kogane
IzayoixTaisho - My Beloved
His Folly
Kakurenbo Kagome
Echo Of A Memory
doodle 01
Inupapa and pup
One Thousand Paper Cranes
Drunk ass Sesshomaru XD -Part 2-
  • Drunk ass Sesshomaru XD -Part 2-
  • Author: Saide
  • Category: Fanart
InuYasha - Unspoiled Fanart 02
InuYasha - Unspoiled Fanart
Smile, it scares people...
  • Smile, it scares people...
  • Author: Steph
  • Category: Fanart
Meeting in The Rain
Groovy Mokomoko-Tie Dye Challenge
  • Groovy Mokomoko-Tie Dye Challenge
  • Author: jgem
  • Category: Fanart
Swimming Lessons
what is he really thinking about??
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 09/09/2012 14:24:28

: hugs : No worries!


Created On: 09/01/2012 19:54:11

Tara... thanks for all of your awesome reviews on Kakuchuu !
Feedback from Tarawriter: You are very welcome! I really love Kauchuu, and I'm so happy I get to catch up on it now! So crazy busy this past week. I'm looking forward to a weekend of some fic and good doujinshi!

The Hatter Theory

Created On: 01/06/2012 12:01:26

Thank you so much for your encouraging review on Convivial, especially concerning the Rin/Sess bit. I have gotten some 'that's disgusting' reactions, and initially it made me want to write more in (spite can be a wonderful motivator) but I decided to stay the course, and it's awesome to hear when someone thinks I'm handling it well. I hope you continue to enjoy!
Feedback from Tarawriter: I get to get catch up on Convivial this weekend, so excited! You're a good writer, and I'll maintain this is the best handling of Rin/Sess I've read in any fic.


Created On: 08/06/2010 13:27:54

Wahahahahah it made me laugh when I saw your dialog on Drunken Ass Sesshomaru. XDDDDDD

LC Rose

Created On: 05/14/2010 12:38:04

Death by laughter would be a good way to go. Thanks for your review of Dirty Dog. ~LC


Created On: 04/26/2010 06:42:29

He looks so tired and even a bit resigned, and it makes the drawing poignant, beautiful. This is just lovely

Aww... Thank you for the lovely comment! I am glad that I could convey the resignation and weariness I thought Miroku must be feeling under the weight of the Wind Tunnel.
Feedback from Tarawriter: Well, you did an excellent job of it. I had to show it to my husband since Miroku is his favorite character from the series, and he sends his compliments, too.

Silent Taiyoukai

Created On: 11/10/2009 13:46:43

Thank you for your review of Past, Present and Future! I'm glad you decided to read it and enjoyed it, and thank you for such nice compliments!


Created On: 07/27/2009 17:10:44

You wanted to know how I keep all my writing projects straight? Well, most of the time, I really have no idea. It just happens. I guess it's what comes from years of doing 5 things at once in general. Sometimes I'm not sure about something, and I absolutely hate inconsistencies in fics, so I tend to reread at least recent chapters if I'm fuzzy on it. It gets messy in my brain, let me tell ya, especially when new ideas keep forcing their way in.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and thanks for taking the time to review.

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