TamashaToko Profile Page

About Me

I’m using a bright pink bold font to hurt your eyes, but I’m trying to do the opposite with my fanfiction.

Currently to keep my creativity going despite working a retail job that sucks out my soul I’m trying to juggle several stories at once on somewhat of a schedule to ensure things are getting the update and love they deserve.


Currently in the rotation is:

Kagome’s CreepyPasta Tale


A Convenient Aftermath

Project Baby Blues (Will reupload)

Medieval Arranged Marriage Stories

User Status

16 years ago
2 years ago
5 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts93

Forum Posts
10/03/2019 04:45:35Re:ISO: Project Baby Blues?Searching for a Fic...3561
10/01/2019 15:37:04Re:ISO: Project Baby Blues?Searching for a Fic...3561
06/01/2019 11:39:50Re:sesskag discord serverGeneral Discussion12642
09/28/2018 15:36:15Re:wanna play bouncy ball?Fanfiction Help10594
09/28/2018 05:01:34Re:wanna play bouncy ball?Fanfiction Help10594
08/27/2018 08:48:28Re:Sess and Kikyo make a dealSearching for a Fic...3485
08/13/2018 14:03:02Project Baby Blues Promo and CommentarySelf-Promotion4055
08/09/2018 09:52:54Re:Help! Fic RecommendationRecommendations34151
05/17/2018 12:37:27Re:Distressing news about Google docs and DriveOff-Topic Discussion8812
04/11/2018 21:19:44Re:Distressing news about Google docs and DriveOff-Topic Discussion8812
04/11/2018 21:18:02Re:sess or kag as merpeopleRecommendations5506
04/11/2018 00:41:36Re:Distressing news about Google docs and DriveOff-Topic Discussion8812
03/21/2018 13:44:17Sesshoumaru enduring Kagome's worldRecommendations5420
02/17/2018 03:28:37The Most Important 'Looking for a Fic' requestRecommendations5852
02/13/2018 14:40:40Re:Beta searching for materialBetas4494
02/12/2018 18:52:30Re:So many people I've never seen before. HI!!!!Off-Topic Discussion24983
02/12/2018 09:01:47Re:So many people I've never seen before. HI!!!!Off-Topic Discussion24983
02/11/2018 19:21:22Re:So many people I've never seen before. HI!!!!Off-Topic Discussion24983
10/25/2017 20:56:21Re:FanFiction Podcast?Fanfiction6232
09/24/2017 17:50:53Re:How many negative reviews does it take?Fanfiction20478

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TamashaToko has 6 stories

(Sequel to The Marriage of Convenience) Due to legal issues Kagome and Sesshoumaru are no longer married. Despite believing their relationship is free to grow into something stronger there are still enemies wishing to destroy their happiness.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 24 Feb 2020  -  Updated: 26 Feb 2020
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 11,821  -  Reads: 5,499
What if Sesshoumaru defeated InuYasha during their first battle? What would become of Kagome?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 01 Oct 2019  -  Updated: 06 Oct 2019
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 26  -  Words: 10,564  -  Reads: 18,570
Kagome is on the verge of becoming a working adult when a fictional demon from a visual novel she played years ago demands her attention in a very life altering way.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 05 Feb 2020  -  Updated: 11 Feb 2020
Genre: Dark, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 28  -  Words: 32,260  -  Reads: 9,793
InuYasha wanting to protect his pregnant girlfriend from being homeless in the cold appeals to Sesshoumaru’s sense of charity. Kagome now lives in the home of a stranger terrified and ashamed only to discover a real relationship in the ashes of her mistakes.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 07 Oct 2019  -  Updated: 19 Feb 2020
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship  -  Chapters: 17  -  Reviews: 105  -  Words: 48,489  -  Reads: 45,679
Kagome marries a powerful and rich youkai to keep custody over her adopted daughter completely unaware she has become a pawn in a much larger game (Reupload)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 21 Feb 2020  -  Updated: 22 Feb 2020
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 51  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 497,711  -  Reads: 43,407
(Reupload) After Kagome's marriage with InuYasha goes south a mysterious hanyou inflicts her with a curse forcing her to bear Sesshoumaru's child before sending both of through the well back to her own time.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 May 2020  -  Updated: 14 May 2020
Genre: Action, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 26  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 315,471  -  Reads: 13,355

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 1

My Flower


Name Entry

Created On: 04/18/2020 00:20:28

Keep being awesome!


Created On: 12/10/2019 11:38:02

Thank you for reading and reviewing An Arrangement! Lol I am very sorry about the outfits, but it's the 90s. They get worse, I promise.


Created On: 03/30/2018 15:16:43
Edited By Chie On: 03/30/2018 15:18:09

THERE I FIXED IT, doesn't say Chapter 1 anymore. Thanks for pointing that out, though. Like I said, I try to remember to change that for one shots but then... Sometimes I forget. ¯\_ _/¯ Also Shippou is IN THE PAST WHERE HE BELONGS. xDD

I assume Kagome would be dutiful and responsible enough to take care of any fines she might rack up - if she even took library books with her to the Feudal era to begin with. Between school and shard hunting, I don't think she'd have a ton of time left for reading just for fun... And from what I understand, reading is seen as more of a high brow hobby in Japan, because kanji. So there's more food for thought for you!

Thanks for the compliments! I kind of had to include Souta in there, as I needed a catalyst that would get them out of the house - Kagome was very hesitant to take Sesshoumaru out in the public so honestly having Souta there to force her hand was just very convenient for me.

Glad you enjoyed this one shot, and I hope it was the kind of story you were hoping to read! Hope you'll manage to find more!

See you on the Dark side - I mean Discord. o7


Created On: 11/25/2009 16:36:42

haha.. whoopie~! i read the third chappie already.. *backing sesshy up*
your praise makes me blush hahaha.. thankies~!
I'll be happy to be in your care again..


Created On: 11/21/2009 15:11:09

I am so sorry for replying late haven't checked dokuga for a while because i've been so busy... but if the offer still stands, I'd be happy to be your beta-reader again... I missed your fic "The Summoner" can't wait for its next update~!

take care!


Created On: 10/30/2009 20:36:25
Edited By Smittee On: 11/01/2009 01:30:47

It has been a while. I am well. Just working on stories and the like. @.@ Plot bunnies are winning currently.


True, but they aure win enough. Up to 9 stories to finish again. lol


Created On: 10/03/2009 09:42:35

Well I did get some of the things I downloaded from mod2sims to work like the Joker outfit from the Dark Night, the Dark Phoenix outfit from the Marvel comics, and Rikku's head complete with her hairstyle/banadana,and eyes from FFX 2, and Inuyasha's costume. But that was about it...I've been trying to get Kouga's wolf demon outfit to work but it's not for some reason.


Created On: 09/30/2009 17:49:40

Hi there! How are you

I see you have the Sims 2 I do to but I'm so new I can't figure out how to do the body shop stop and make some of the characters I create into the Inuyasha charries. I really want to make an Inu no Taisho sim TT.TT But I don't know how to.

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