Sadie_Fanfictioner has 5 stories
"Kill me" "Why should i?" "I have nothing to live for." The whole story starts with this conversation, and where does it lead? M for anguish and langague. is a one-shot collection cause i won't be able to keep up 700 a word chapter.
Rating: M -
Universe: Canon
Status: Incomplete
Category: Oneshot Collections
Created: 02 Jun 2012
Updated: 05 Jun 2012
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Romance, Tragedy
Chapters: 3
Reviews: 6
Words: 2,348
Reads: 5,931
What happens when Kagome gets tired of Inuyasha a couple of years after getting married? She goes through the well, hoping to escape the hanyou. But instead of her imagined freedom, someone else is waiting for her...
Rating: T -
Universe: Canon
Status: Incomplete
Category: Oneshot Collections
Created: 29 May 2012
Updated: 02 Jul 2012
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance
Chapters: 14
Reviews: 45
Words: 5,688
Reads: 20,546
When Kagome goes to do her laundry, is there another reason besides her having clean clothing? Such as a hot neighbor???
Rating: K -
Universe: Alternate
Status: Complete
Category: Oneshots
Created: 17 May 2012
Updated: 17 May 2012
Genre: Friendship, Humor
Chapters: 1
Reviews: 2
Words: 1,114
Reads: 5,692
A story told in verse. random whim. oh, and i know the title sucks.
Rating: K -
Universe: Alternate
Status: Incomplete
Category: Oneshot Collections
Created: 16 Jun 2012
Updated: 10 Aug 2012
Genre: Action, Romance, Verse
Chapters: 6
Reviews: 0
Words: 235
Reads: 4,585
Halloween is NOT Sesshomaru's favorite holiday, but when a scantily-clad woman shows up on his doorstep with a forward attitude, will his opinion change? Yes, i know it's not Halloween, but whatever. *warning LIME*
Rating: MA -
Universe: Alternate
Status: Complete
Category: Oneshots
Created: 22 Jun 2012
Updated: 22 Jun 2012
Genre: Humor, Kink, Romance
Chapters: 1
Reviews: 4
Words: 822
Reads: 7,218