Dokuga in Wonderland by Kori

Enter Wonderland

Disclaimer: No ownership to Takahashi's Inuyasha or Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland.

Kagome sighed heavily and loudly for the umpteenth time that cleared sky afternoon. Here, it was a lovely day to run around and pick flowers, but instead she was reduced to sitting along side her sister, as she read her boring book.

Kagome could go off and pick flowers herself, yet her sister had insisted for her to stay with her. In other words, 'Stay put, so I can keep an eye on you.'

It wasn't fair. It isn't like she looked for trouble; trouble always found her! And it was starting to bother her that her sister ignored her, while she read that book of hers, with a determination to finish it. Kagome would be interested in the book too, if the book had pictures and conversations...

Honestly, who'd like reading such a dull book without pictures?!

Kagome's eyes narrowed droopily, ready to fall asleep; if it weren't for a tall, white person walking passed her and her sister. Her eyes widened and blinked several times, turning back from her sister to the white person, back and forth, wondering if she was seeing right.

Now normally, Kagome wouldn't care if a person passed by, but this was a whole different matter.

This person was now walking briskly; his pale ivory hand had then taken out a golden pocket-watch out of the red waist-pocket vest, he wore. Her eye twitched when her eye looked up to his long silver hair.

What bothered her was the fact; the guy had two long, furry, pointy, triangular ears erected on each side of his head. He looked just like a rabbit...

Kagome, intrigued, got up from her sitting spot by her sister and went after the odd man. Her sister didn't notice her departure, as she was in deep concentration with her book. Meanwhile, Kagome silently and quickly followed behind the man in a distance as he muttered to himself.

'I'm so very late..."

Then suddenly, the man disappeared. Kagome's eyes widened as she ran to where the man-rabbit once stood. She gaped at the little rabbit whole that she had never seen there before. Her eyes furrowed, wondering how that full-size adult-rabbit had fit in such a little hole.

Curious, Kagome jumped without another thought into the hole, finding herself falling fast as she entered the rabbit hole. Never once had Kagome thought of how she was going to get out...


Kagome groaned as she continued to fall down the hole.

"How long is this damn hole!!!?"

She had finished singing 99 bottles on the wall, the wheels on the bus, and any other childish sing long she could think of. And she continued to fall.

"This sucks, if I'm going to die, then it should be done with! And where the hell am I? I was in Japan and I'm heading down southwards, so I should be close to Australia or Antarctica... I wonder what people are like from there? Would they think I'm strange for popping out of a hole? They'd probably ask where I am from and how I got here. But it would sound strange if I said I came from Japan and had followed a rabbit-man down this hole...they'd think I'm queer and strange....Who dug this stupid deep hole? When I get out of here, I'm going to kill that man-bunny for leading me into this...Man, I'm hungry and bored...I want Opo...At least he would give me some entertainment...I wonder what Possums eat... Hmm, when I get back home, I'll be sure to ask Opo...Can a person eat a possum? ...Would a possum even taste good? ...Do you taste good Opo?"

Kagome yawned as she passed some odd items that were hung on selves to the side. She pondered on who had built such selves and why they placed items like these here; as well as how they could do such a thing when they would just be falling...Maybe it's the same person that made this hole.

Before she knew it, Kagome saw the rabbit-man again. She landed graciously to the ground, without a single scratch. She straightened her powder light blue dress and was off before she knew it.

The curious girl followed the rabbit-man in a lengthy distance, so she didn't alert him that she was following him. She instead observed his tall figure. He was attractive for a man-rabbit...Long silver hair, following down his back, gently gliding after his long strides.

'What the hell? Since when am I attracted to man-bunnies? But then again...since when can people be both human and an animal? Can I do that too? I wonder how I should look if I transformed with Opo...'

As she thought of this, the man-rabbit then disappeared once again.

She scowled at herself for her stupid daydreams and cursed the rabbit-man's quickness as she then ran down the long hall. Her black dress shoes echoed after her, as it was the only sound around.

Just then, doors appeared in the long hall. Figuring that the rabbit-man most likely went into one of these doors, she decided to check it out. Kagome slowed down her pace to test the doors to see if they opened, yet they were all locked. She growled as she continued down the hall, each time unsuccessful from the last. She was ready to break down and cry from frustration as she was on the verge of giving up.

Then suddenly, there lay on a three-legged table that appeared before her, a golden key. She grinned with glee as she took the golden key and tried each door with it.

But to her displeasure, the key was either too small or the door was too big for it. But then she found a hidden door. It was the perfect size for the key, yet the door was too small for her to fit through.

Kagome let out a loud wail.

"What the fuck?! This place gets weirder by the minute! Man-bunnies, little doors...what's next? Grinning cats?!"

She then turned back to the table, hoping some god out there was nice enough to leave her another key that would fit the other bigger doors or at least directions and a map on how the hell to get out of this place.

Kagome then noticed a bottle that sure wasn't there before. Not only that, the bottle looked queer, since it looked to be sleeping. The bottle had eyes....

" has eyes..."

She then raised the hand that had the key and poked the bottle with the key. The bottle made a squeaky noise.

Kagome blinked several times before she poked it again to make sure she was hearing right. Again, the bottle made the same noise.

It was as if the bottle giggled...

'What the hell...'

She then placed down the key back down on the table and picked up the bottle to inspect it carefully. The green bell-shaped bottle at that moment opened its mouth and yawned. Her eyes widened in amazement as the bottle then opened its tiny drowsy eyes and stared back at her. Its dark black eyes blinked at her before it smiled at her, chirping at her as it whispered something.

Kagome furrowed her eyebrows as she brought the bottle close to her ear. And screamed.


Kagome's ear winced in pain and her temporary shock from the unexpected wail had almost made her drop the bottle. She scowled and glared at the bottle deadly as it then began to chant loudly.

"Drink me! Drink me! Drink me! Drink me-"

Kagome covered the annoying bottle's mouth and lifted the bottle as she looked all over for an off button.

"Argh, god dammit shut up!"

Her eye twitched when its mouth bit her hand. Her mouth then twitched to a grin as she then thought evilly. 'You want me to drink you, eh?'

Not thinking once again, of the consequences that would ensure or if the bottle was poison, Kagome opened her lips and tipped the head of the bottle into her mouth.

Once all the contents in the bottle was finished, she smiled in delight of the sweet aftertaste and welcomed the silence once more.

Oddly enough, she felt warm and tingly all over. The bottle had mysteriously disappeared from her hands, leaving her empty handed. She looked down at her hands and stared back and forth at the two, noticing the decrease in size. She turned her arms and saw they had the same effect.

Kagome began to panic as she then looked around the room and saw the room getting bigger.

"Ah shit..."

When she finished shrinking, Kagome then saw she could now fit through the small door. She grinned and leaped with glee as she ran to the door and twisted it, only to find out that the door was still locked. Both her eyes began to twitch as she then remembered that the key was on the table...

She turned and looked up at the table. With her hands on her hips, she tapped her shoes as she wondered how the hell she was going to get that key.

Her eyes wondered down to the bottom of the three-legged table and noticed that there was a box underneath that she hadn't noticed before. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided not to question it as she went over and opened the box.

Her mouth watered as she saw a nicely baked cake lying there, waiting to be devoured.

Now, Kagome wasn't stupid. She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. Her experience with the bottle, taught her to never underestimate these weird things. So, not bothering to poke the cake, she went with her gut and stomach as she then stuffed her face with cake.

After a minute or two, Kagome sighed in content. Her stomach was full and she didn't have to deal with talking items or food. She looked down at her hands again and waited for the effects to kick in.

And just as she began to feel the warm and weird tingling to her body, she began to change once more. Kagome delightedly began to grow and grow...never thinking how she was going to get through the door after she got the key again....

A/N: I decided to write a dedication to the lovely fangirls in Dokuga. :] It's going to have the Alice in Wonderland plot, but I'm twisting in my lovely gals in that chatroom and changing some things around. So, full creds to Mr. Carrol, just in case. Btw: Can you guess who's who? ^^