Raging Fire by Lilly

Chapter 1

AN: Hey, It's Lilly! Imma try to update "Raging Fire" on Thursdays. If I can't do it once a week then it will be every other Thursday. I'm getting ready to start college this fall so I'm going to try and get everything balanced out before classes begin.

But enough of posting schedules, on to the reading!

On a quiet night, a lone figure stood on top of a grassy knoll. Moon spun strands of hair flitted on a light summer breeze, dancing in the soft silver shine of the moon. The figure's eyes slid to the side as a young woman joined him on the hill.

"So this is it? The final battle is tomorrow..." The woman sighed softly and looked at the silver haired man. "Will you be joining us tomorrow, Sesshomaru?"

The man identified as Sesshomaru turned toward the woman. "Hn..." He lifted a hand and smoothed her fly away raven hair. "You should not be in the battle to begin with, Kagome."

Kagome huffed and crossed her arms, turning away from him. "You know why I can't stand on the side lines. I'm the one who broke the jewel, so I have to be the one to fix it." Water droplets gathered at the corners of her eyes, shimmering as she looked back at Sesshomaru. "I will miss you, and Rin, and oddly enough, Jaken with all of his squawking."

Sesshomaru tilted Kagome's chin up, forcing her to look at him. "If need be, you will always have a place to stay with this Sesshomaru."

Kagome tried to blink away the tears, but they started to fall like crystal rain down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around Sesshomaru's torso and started to sob earnestly. "I'm so scared."

Sesshomaru didn't hesitate as he wrapped his arms around the emotional girl. "It will be alright. I will be with you."

Sesshomaru opened his eyes slowly to glare at the beam of sunlight breaking through the canopy of leaves overheard. His eyes darted around to see if his ward was still asleep. Rin was unaffected by the intruding light while she was curled up next to Ah-Un. His eyes then slid over towards his most loyal vassal. Seeing that the toad was still asleep as well, Sesshomaru stood and left the clearing.

"Why was the half-breed's miko in my dream, and why would she embrace me like that of a lover?' He asked himself.

Not long after he thought about the two that had invaded his mental thought process, Sesshomaru heard the tell tale sign of the half-breed's group. A resounding shriek of 'Sit!' was heard through the clearing, followed by a loud crash and cursing. He followed the commotion to the edge of another clearing.

"Oi, bitch! What was that for?! I did nothing wrong!" Inuyasha screamed at Kagome.

Kagome crossed her arms and glared at Inuyasha as he emerged from the crater created by the force of his impact. "I told you yesterday that I have to go home today! I have a very important test to take and I have to stock up on supplies. Not to mention that my mom's birthday is tomorrow and I want to be home for it!"

"You didn't have to sit me for it! I forgot!" Inuyasha's ears were pinned flat against his head. "What's more important?! Finding and fixing the jewel or a stupid birthday?"

Kagome's face fell as she heard Inuyasha's statement. "You really expect me to answer that?How heartless can you be?" Kagome didn't give a backwards glance as she took off into the surrounding trees, tears streaming down her face.

"Kagome wait!" You have to find the shards!" Inuyasha started to follow after her but Miroku grabbed his arm and shook his head.

"Inuyasha, don't go after her. You know how important her family is to her. And she does not plan on giving up on finding the shards either." Miroku sighed as he sat back down next to Sango, leaving Inuyasha to think on what he said.

Kagome ran straight out if camp and into the surrounding woods. Her lungs burned and cramped from the lack of airflow into them. After a good twenty minutes in a full out sprint, Kagome collapsed to the ground in a complete mess. Hair flew wildly around her face, her heeks stained with fresh unrelenting tears.

"Why is he so heartless?" He- he kn-knew I had t-t-to go back today..." She sobbed into her hands. So distraught over the events of the past half hour, Kagome didn't realize that someone had found the spot in which she had collapsed.

"Miko, why are you acting highly emotional in this Sesshomaru's lands." Sesshomaru stated more than asked. He took in the appearance of the anguished girl,m noting that she looked a lot like Rin when she was upset.

Kagome peaked through her fingers to look at the tall and imposing figure of the demon lord. "Lord Sesshomaru..." She hiccuped as she removed her hands completely from her face. She sniffled and tried to get her breathing under control. "Your brother forbade me from visiting my family... He doesn't understand how important they are to me." She wiped her eyes and looked away as Sesshomaru stared at her, assessing her.

"This Sesshomaru has seen you take on several different demons and yet you do not have the ability to take on my worthless half-breed, half-brother. Pathetic." He said.

Kagome glared through the tears and got up, poking his armor clad chest. "I am not pathetic. I have tried to get it through his thick scull that I have to go home on a regular basis and he still doesn't listen."

He grabbed the assaulting finger and held onto it. "You dare enter this Sesshomaru's space." He then grabbed her by the front of her shirt, hauling her up to his eye level. "You will not enter this Sesshomaru's space unless told otherwise."

She looked down as the words sunk in. She had managed to anger both of the brothers in under an hour, and she was no closer to getting home than she was when she bolted out of camp.

She sigh softly. "I guess that's what happens when you don't grow up with family..." She whispered to herself. She shook her head a little as tears started to fall again. "I just need to get back to Edo..."

Sesshomaru stared at the limp figure he held in his grasp. He contemplated on simply melting her in his grasp for the moment, and then he dropped her to her feet, watching as she stumbled to catch herself. "Come. This Sesshomaru must gather his pack." He turned and walked out of the clearing, not bothering to see if the girl would follow.

Kagome wiped her eyes and watched as Sesshomaruheaded out of the woods. She quickly scrambled to follow behind Sesshomaru to his destination.

Sango looked from Miroku to Inuyasha, Shipopo sitting on her lap. "Shouldn't we go after her now? It's been almost an hour..." Sango asked.

Shippo nodded his head. "I want my momma back!" He looked to Miroku. "Inuyasha needs to stop scaring my momma away and he needs to treat her nicer, too."

Inuyasha glared at the kit from his seat in a tree across the clearing. "Stop talkin' about me like I ain't around, runt!" Inuyasha growled.

Miroku smiled at the kit. "She will be back, I know she will be." Miroku looked toward the spot where Kagome left the camp from.

"Feh, she's had long enough. Let's go get her so we can find the rest of the shards." Inuyasha stood and hopped off of his perch in the tree. He stomped over to where the monstrosity of Kagome's bag and slung it over his shoulder. He glanced at the monk and slayer who were still sitting. "Come on! We have to get moving before Kagome gets in trouble like she always does." He started down the non-existant path that Kagome blindly took in her flight of escape.

Sango sighed as she stood up. "I just wish he would leave her alone for a little and that he would stop blaming Kagome for everything that goes wrong." She looked toward the monk who started to pace slowly after the complaining half-demon. "What should we do?" She asked softly.

Miroku shrugged slightly. "Sadly, my love, I would not know what to do in the situation that has appeared." He led Sango behind Inuyasha, being sure to keep his voice low enough that Inuyasha wouldn't be able to hear it over his own ranting.

Shippo hopped out of Sango's arms and onto Miroku's shoulder. I think shee needs time to herself and Inuyasha never gives her any space. After we find my momma, we can go to Edo under the assumption that Kagome doesn't feel well and she can go home to get better from the healers in her time." Shippo gushed out in one breath.

Miroku's eyes widened a little. "Shippo, that is a great idea. She could always seal the well as soon as she gets back to her time so she can spend the time needed to be with her family and relax."

Sango smiled and ruffled the kit's hair. "I think that is just what she... Omph!" Sango stopped mid-sentence when she ran right into Inuyasha's back. She glared at the half-demon's head. "Why did you suddenly stop, Inuyasha?" She asked.

Inuyasha's ears laid flat on his scull, his nose twitching madly. "Her trail ends here...She sat here for a few minutes then... Disappeared. Where did she go?" He started to turn and look in all directions. "Kagome!" He yelled.

Sango sighed to herslef. "One job..." She muttered as she ran a hand over her dark almond hair. Shippo jumped down from Miroku's shoulder and landed next to a silent Kirara. He started to sniff the surrounding area. His eyes shot open to the size of saucers and he hopped onto Miroku's shoulder, whispering quickly. Miroku's eyes widened slightly and he nodded to the kit.

Shippo then bounced his way onto Sango's shoulder. "Lord Sesshomaru was here..."

Sango gasped and looked to Miroku. "Lord Sesshomaru?"

Inuyasha spun to face the other four. "What about my asshole brother?" He narrowed his eyes and his ears raised up slightly.

Sango and Miroku looked to each other before looking back to Inuyasha. "Lord Sesshomaru found Kagome..."

Please do review! I would love to hear what you have to say, and any ideas are more than welcome!