Magic by ThatDarnCatt


Completely random fic based on a daydream I had while half asleep at work. This piece will only be five chapters long. I recently acquired an old cabinet record player and even more recently I bought the Labyrinth soundtrack on vinyl. Now since then I have had the five David Bowie songs from that movie circling around in my brain and I might as well spit out some creativity.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor do I own Underground by David Bowie, performed and written for the Jim Henson movie The Labyrinth.

Chapter One: Underground


No one can blame you for walking away

But too much rejection

No love injection

Life can be easy


It’s not always swell

Don’t tell me truth hurts little girl


                “Kags there is no way I could be with anyone right now.” The aforementioned girl rolled her eyes before staring sadly at a particularly interesting stone that was resting not too far from her hanyou friend’s sneaker-clad foot. The raven haired girl knew how this was going to go, but yet she tried anyway. Tuning out his rambling about ‘working on himself’ and ‘he’s just not ready’, she took a good look at him out of the corner of her eye. Rough silver hair with matching perpetually twitching dog ears atop his head, tanned skin, and striking golden eyes; he was definitely a looker with a fan club to match.

                However, his rambling speech did nothing to make her feel better about his decision. They had been friends for years and she had developed a pretty heavy duty crush on the kid that she had only recently decided to come clean about. It seemed now that her decision to do so was a terrible idea. He refused to outright refuse her, deciding to instead dance around the topic and talk about himself.

                “…and that’s why I can’t agree to be with you. I hope we can still be friends?” Kagome shook herself out of her musings to hear the last part of his speech before smiling tightly and nodding her head, hugging him back half heartedly when he attempted to make himself feel better by embracing her. She waved as he turned away from her and made the walk back to the empty classroom.

                This wasn’t supposed to be how her senior year of high school would go. Recently eighteen, she should be dating the guy she liked on top of the straight A’s she managed to procure. Well liked and, if the several confessions she had fielded in the past couple months were any indication, relatively attractive. Kagome sighed as she reached the classroom, going to her seat and grabbing her bag. Turning around, she walked back down the main hall of the school. She paused, however, when she heard a light giggle coming from one of the major ‘make-out spots’ in the school.  Curiosity got the better of her as she took a peek in the shadow alcove that housed the door to the stage.

                Tears welled up in her usually sparkling blue eyes as she instantly saw the familiar sheen of silver hair. In his arms was her twin sister, whom she usually got along quite well with, giggling and holding his head to her neck as he seemed to worship the sensitive skin. His hand roved and clutched at her waist and round behind. Kagome was transfixed in horror and hurt, the couple noticing very little beyond each other.

                “Kikyo… your sister confessed to me…” Inuyasha pulled back sighing, running a clawed hand through her hair as he leaned his forehead against hers. Kikyo frowned, a glint of worry appearing in her brown eyes.

                “What did you say? Is she okay? I told you we should have been honest!” Inuyasha snorted, closing his eyes and taking a calming breath of her scent. “Inu seriously, if you hurt her…”

                “No! I told her I couldn’t be with anyone!” Inuyasha pulled back, anxiety rolling off him in waves, “She’s my best friend Kikyo… I don’t want to lose her…” Kikyo smiled softly and ran a hand through his hair, tweaking an ear gently and giggling at his low growl.

                “But you weren’t honest. Hopefully we can tell her together, no?” Inuyasha nodded before hugging her tight once again and resuming where they left off, a possessive growl leaving his lips.

                Watching the interaction, as sweet as it was to hear that they thought of her, was just too much for Kagome. With a muffled sob she ran from the school, taking turns and crossing streets at random.


Cuz it hurts like hell.


                As soon as she became aware of where she was, Kagome found herself in the Youkai District of Tokyo. With the specialty shops lining the small street, curious blue eyes roved from side to side. It wasn’t often she came here; it was mostly a shopping area for the local Youkai and had, usually, no interest to a human. However, as she looked around she found herself fascinated and quickly took great joy in window shopping. Some store fronts advertised self mending clothing that grew with you, a pricey yet invaluable alternative to consistently having to buy new clothing for quickly growing Youkai children; others showed beautiful items guaranteed to enhance certain powers and charms to bring luck.

                The store front she found herself in front of at the end of the street and far from the glow of the fanciful and bright windows was dark and foreboding. It offered nothing in the window for her to take a peek at and the only words that explained what was inside were shown in shimmering block letters on the expansive window:

The Dark West

Magic Items and Services

                Something pulled at her to enter the dark store, the windows curtained in thick dark red drapes and not allowing her to get a look inside. Biting her lip, she clenched the handle of her black school bag before pushing her way into the store.

                A light tinkling of bells announced her arrival and she found herself frozen at the precipice of shelves and mountains of items she couldn’t even tell what was what. Kagome slowly made her way inside, taking in everything that lay around her that was illuminated in hundreds of candles that were spaced around the shop. Heaps of gold jewelry with a blatant sign warning against touching, a cabinet of glinting items that seemed to call for her, and a tall imposing statue that made her nervous just looking at it were the most prominent to her left; a long rack of magicked clothing and various staffs and wands lay to her right. As Kagome slowly made her way through, keeping her hands to herself after seeing the first ‘Do Not Touch’ sign, she became drawn to bright pink jewel that hung in a glass cube.

                “I suggest you lower your hand from the case, human.” Kagome jumped back, her hand that had unknowingly started to drift towards the innocent looking sphere falling to grip the handle of her bag. She jerked around, stifling a gasp that was attempting to leave her as she took in the demon behind the voice. Tall with moon spun hair that fell gracefully to tickle against his hips, eyes the color of molten gold and two graceful maroon stripes on each cheek. He stood patiently as her eyes traveled his form, taking in the tight, dark red leather coat he wore, the silver clasps glinting in the candlelight. He held an almost feminine form in how lithe he was, but his whole being screamed male.

                “Human if you are quite done ogling this Sesshoumaru, state your business or find your exit.” He glared, his cold demeanor startling her out of her staring and causing her ire to rise, her eye ticking as he reiterated in case she didn’t hear him the first time, “I do not suffer fools, girl. State your business.” Kagome let out a small growl before narrowing her eyes,

                “I just wanted to know what this store was. I’ve never been around her before. How about instead of being a huge jerk you could just show me what this store is all about?”Sesshoumaru smirked at her, bringing one clawed hand up exposing more magenta stripes on alabaster skin, before a flick of the wrist caused sparks to ignite as phoenix of light and fire was born and flew around the shop. Kagome gasped in wonderment, dropping her bag to clap excitedly. As the phoenix disappeared in a shower of sparks, the young girl turned to the tall man with her blue eyes sparkling,

                “Teach me!” Sesshoumaru looked at her stunned before once again schooling his features and turning away from her.

                “Absolutely not. I refuse to go through the hassle of seeing if you even have the ability to be taught.” He looked over his shoulder at her, “This Sesshoumaru teaches no one.”

                Kagome gaped at him before stomping her foot lightly, her mind clamoring with how unfair today had been. Her mind played through the talk with Inuyasha, the subsequent meeting she overheard in the alcove, and now she was being denied again. Sure she shouldn’t be getting so mad about something so simple, the guy didn’t want to teach her and that was his business. But she still wasn’t over the denial that was so fresh in her mind and she reacted completely on emotion and out of impulse.

                Her hand outstretched, her mind screamed and she shoved Sesshoumaru as hard as she could. She must have completely taken the man off guard but he still didn’t stumble, he simply stood firm. Before he could retaliate, a pink glow appeared around Kagome’s still outstretched hand before it sharply spiked in intensity and sparks exploded in the small space. The young girl gasped, pulling her hand back and attempting to muffle the sparks and light but it was to no avail.

                Sesshoumaru turned around sharply regarding the girl in front of him, wanting to smirk at her attempt to stop whatever power was flowing through her fingertips but knowing that this was actually very dangerous. Any untrained being with magical capabilities was a danger to themselves and those around them. As he attempted to figure out the best way to get her to shut down whatever magic was pouring out, he saw an especially large spark float through the air to land on top of one of his magical powders that he had been tending to at the counter when the girl had come in. Eyes wide, he saw the powder begin to ignite and threw himself at the girl, throwing them both to the floor with his large body covering hers.

                With a shrill whistle the powder went up in smoke as small streams of sparks of all different colors shot around the room. Racks were quickly knocked over and clothing was singed, careful piles of magical items were obliterated and the small items sent scattering around the room, and the carefully constructed cabinets were luckily only slightly burned.

                After the lightshow was over, Sesshoumaru looked down between his braced forearms to see the girls face scrunched up and her hands now sans the magical light covering her ears. Her raven hair was hardly mussed for as quickly as he had thrown her to the floor and he had to admit that she would be considered quite beautiful for a human. However she was human and he knew she was now his problem. So with her explosive personality and her lack of discipline in the arts, she spelled out a pretty heft headache for him.

                While Sesshoumaru was contemplating his fate, Kagome cracked an eye open once the shrill whistling had ceased. She realized she was on the floor as well as noticed the dull ache from her tailbone, and she realized she was completely curtained by liquid moonlight with swirling gold eyes staring impassively at her. Try as she might she couldn’t help but stare back at him, despite his terrible personality he was incredibly attractive. Totally not her type though, she really needed to stay away from jerks.

                Swiftly noticing his most recent headache had come around, Sesshoumaru rose from the ground to survey the mishap that had become of his once pristine shop. With an annoyed growl he looked at the girl who was now shakily rising from the floor. She looked around the shop with wide eyes, raising her hands in front of her face as if they were completely alien to her now before grinning sheepishly at him.

                “You seem to have the gift, although completely untrained and incredibly destructive. This Sesshoumaru will teach you, keep in mind that it brings me no pleasure to do so.” Kagome had started at the sound of her voice and wisely bit her tongue at the condescending tone he used on her. “You will address me as Sesshoumaru-sama while under my tutelage and you will clean up this mess you made. Consider yourself in my debt for the rest of your pitiful existence.”

                “Why you-“ Before Kagome could appropriately retort a wail of a frightened and crying child tore through the tension in the small shop.


But down in the underground

You'll find someone true

Down in the underground

A land serene

A crystal moon, ah, ah

It's only

It's only forever

It's not long at all

The lost and the lonely

That's underground


Just a random fic. Completely random. I really need to update more

Hope you enjoyed!
