Very Funny... by ThisSesshomaru

Alleyway Incident

Disclaimer- I not own inuyasha.. No copyright intended.

A bit of swearing and a tiny (lol maybe) bit of nudity. Don't worry it's not detailed.. That happenes when sesshy boy and Kags maek babbiess x3 lol nvm hope chu liek!


  Kagome stalked across the corner, the breeze whipping her hair to the side. She was going to Lolis-Moi, the place she and her friends would meet. Checking her watch she wasn't surprised that she was late, she was mostly afraid of the things the Hetai Miroku were thinking of. Shivering she walked through the crowded sidewalk, determined to make it to the baby blue bakery.

  Finnally she was there! unusual things happened to her on the sidewalk. first she was pulled into the embrace on a strong man, mistaking her for his wife. Secondly she tripped over a small black dog, sensing that it was a demon she quickly threw  it into an alley and headed in, planning to purify it not in the open. But when she was just to about to unleash her mighty power he turned into a fully naked man, standing their in a model pose.         

-what had happened-

 The demon was weak, knowing she could finish it without making a scene Kagome grabbed its scruff and flung it in the alley and just as she was about to purify the little threatening dog, which obiously knew she was a Miko, thick purple smoke swirled around it. The smoke cleared and Kagome stuttered, a blush creeping on her face. 

The demon stood in his nude glory, in a model pose with a wink. The demon was beautiful, almost girl like.. Maybe a cross dresser.

"Ahh I see your here because you want me" the demon making a dramatic face "but sorry you can't have me! I'm not into little girls." He giggled at the sputtering Miko.

 Kagome didn't know how to react She'd never seen someone so bold!  "Shut up demon before I turn you to ashes!" She growled, her powers flaring. 

 The demon then took out a blade, several long connected swords unlached making it like a chain of sword. Said sword was flung way over Kagomes head, latching on the side of a build, the demon rode up squealing as if he were at a carnival, then he dissapeared.

 Kagome was beyond shocked.. What the Hell just happened?

-When Kagome Arrived at the bakery-

  Feeling the auras of her friends, Kagome quickly found them sitting in a booth speaking about somthing. "Hey Guys!" She called to them, quickly taking her seat next to Sango.

"Kagome!" Sango greeted cheerily, hugging her with that bone crushing hug.

"Hey Kags." Inuyasha greeted nonchalanty, gaze wandering outside the window.

"Kagome.." Miroku started a huge grin plastered on his face "why are you late?"

Blushing instantly she was reminded of the 'Alleyway Incendent'. Miroku noticed and pressed on.

"Ahh and who may the lucky fellow be?" Speaking slowly, both Inuyasha and Sango watching intently.

Kagome started to tell them, but the embaressment was to much. "Uh.. Uh I'm late cause I saw a small dog.. Getting trampled by people, and I had to help it.." She stammered hoping they would believe her bad lie.

Miroku stared intently at Kagome, looking deep into her eyes. "Uh Hu."

Kagome huffed and looked to the side, the T.V. catching her attention.

-The Reporter-

 "In other news it appears that a nude man was seen frolicking around the streets, frightening citizens into nearby buildings, it appears to be a ghost town outside right now. At first glance it seems to be a naked women, but once you get a better look." The reporter visibly shivered. " blah blah blah blah- oh wait it seems there is a video of the incident.- SSVVHH

(The Video)

"Hey guys today we're going to prank people by- wait what the fuck is happenin?" The camera guy asked aloud as several police cars raced by.

The camera swished as the camera guy took off running to get a glimpse at what all the ruckas was about.

A nude man swayed around, he looked more feminine then male, but.. He was definetly male >.>.

"Is this guy streaking?" The camera man said aloud, a drop of blood falling on the screen.

 The  nude man looked at all the police and struck a cute pose. "Oh Hey kitties Ya wanna have some fuun?" Making a totally kawaii face ;3.

Blood was suddenly everywhere though there were no gunshots heard. All the officers had dreamy looks and seemed to be day dreamy. The nude took this chance to escape letting out an insane giggle, bouncing away unhurriedly.

"W-what the hel-" the camera man started running full speed into a direction. "I've GOT to show this to the news station!" SSSVVHHH

-Back At Ya Kags-

Kagome stared dumbly at the T.V... quickly she stood and got in line to order some food.

"W-wench" a disgusted inuyasha spoke "your going to eat after watching that?!" He gagged.

Kagome slowly looke up, looking Inu straight in the eye. "Yah" she shrugged.


soon after that Inuyasha was hospitalized.

lol just kidding next chapta probaly will be at the same time and place as the one.

you liek? :3