Rage of the Abandoned by DeathsSilentApproach

Forgotten or Abandoned

'Inuyasha where are you?' Kagome though desperately with a shiver as her eyes tried their best to pick up on the little light that filtered through the slit high on the wall that served as a window to the outside world.


Kagome had been in the hot spring alone after an argument with Inuyasha when she had been snatched up from the warm waters of the spring. Not a sound passed her lipps thanks to her captor's hand covering her mouth.

Kagome though had realized just who it was thanks to the brillint magenta stripes that adorned the wrist of the demon who held her. "You will be silent miko lest you wish for your companions deaths," Sesshoumaru had hissed menicingly in her ear. Kagome had gone limp in his hold when she heard his threat. "If you do as I tell you I may just let you live."


And that brought her to now. Sesshoumaru hadn't come to tell her what he wanted of her since he had dropped her on the ground in the dungen and shackling her to the wall. Kagome didn't know just how much time had passed but she found she was quite hungry no matter what time the guards brought her food. "Here's your food miko." The tiger demon spat with disgust at he all but threw the plate holding the small amount of food and drink at her.

'Inuyasha, come save me soon.' Kagome thought desperately even as she fell on the food like a wild animal. Nary a thought in her head as she devoured the food she needed to continue to live.


"So Inuyasha you are telling me to keep your miko?" Sesshoumaru said incredulously. "She cooks for your, heals you, and now this is how you all treat her? By forgeting her? What of you kit?"

Shippu looked Sesshoumaru straight in the eyes even as he trembled and replied in as brave a voice as possible, "Kikyou can protect me better any way. Kagome was weak."

Sesshoumaru's eyes widdened at Shippu's declaration. He turned toward Sango who refused to meet his eyes, then he turned to Miroku, "And what of you monk?" Sesshoumaru demanded as Miroku met his eyes.

"Shippu spoke correctly."