Obligation of Duty by Addicted-to-GazettE

Giving Just Rewards

Disclaimer: All rights for Inuyasha are reserved by the brilliant and wonderful Rumiko Takahashi. I am making no profit out of this except in the enjoyment of the masses.

To be Noted: This is going to be a story with short excert like chapters, mostly written for prompts and then thrown together. I doubt it'll be very long or have a deeply involved plot. I hope you all enjoy.


Chapter One: Giving Just Rewards


It was troubling, and just a little vexing.

Grey blue eyes shone with curiosity and slight frustration, as they rested upon a member of their newly allied group.

Kagome sat just out of the firelight; her bangs and the shadows hiding her expression from view. It was just as well, for not only was she a complete open book, she didn't want anyone to see the direction of her gaze.

The silent Tai-youkai sat a fair distance away, his back to a tree and his attentions on the stars above.

How could he be so calm? He'd just saved her from the jaws of death!


It was not that she was ungrateful; in fact it was quite the opposite.

What she found so frustrating was that she couldn't think of proper way to show her growing gratitude. With Inuyasha she showed her thanks with ramen. It was the same with the others; she knew enough about each to be able to show her gratitude properly.

Something about the great InuLord…forebode such intimacy.

She couldn't figure him out no matter how long she thought of it. What would be a proper gift for a great and powerful demon known as the Killing Perfection?

She'd tried asking Inuyasha the other day, only for him to give her a long incredulous look before scoffing "Gift? Kagome, this is Sesshoumaru. You don't have to give him anything. Just let it drop."

But she couldn't just do that! It went against her friendly nature! Sure they'd been enemies before, but now they were allies. She couldn't treat Sesshoumaru with any less courtesy than she would the rest. It was just wrong. Yet how else was she to convey her piling, thank you's?

It was a question that would haunt her long into the night.



 AN: For documentations sake, This Drabble was origionally posted on Feburary 14th, 2012, for Dokuga_Contest's Weekly Perfection Prompt: Pile. The word count stands at a perfect 300 words.