The Chase by Chaos Ninja


Disclaimer: What?! I don't own Inuyasha or any of it's characters? But.... *cries* Love you Takahashi-sama!

A/N: Hey everyone, this is my very first fanfiction! I'm a bit nervous, cuz not only is this my first fic, it's only my second try at erotica too. But don't be afraid to lemme know you don't like it, or if there's anything that needs to be fixed. I don't have any experience in this field (and no beta), so any constructive criticism would be great! Please Read and Review. :)

Warning: This story is extremely explicit. If you don't like reading sexual scenes, then turn back while you can.

It had been a few hours since she last sensed him. Sigh a breath of relief, she thought back to how she had escaped her pursuer. She had used her reiki and the element of surprise to through off her persistent follower, stunning him long enough to put some distance between them and mask her aura. She smiled to herself, It’s a good thing he was such an arrogant hunter, she thought, or I might not have gotten that small window of escape. He had been teasing her, taunting her, playing with his food as it were. After all, he was a powerful youkai, and so swift he could have caught her at any moment. But being the Inu demon he was, he was thrilled for the chase, the exaltation of running after and stalking his prey to exhaustion before he pounced. The thought made her shiver. It’s a good thing I got away, or he would have eaten me.

She continued to wander in the depths of the forest, searching for a safe place to rest, hopefully a place he wouldn’t be able to find later. She wasn’t worried, however, for she had completely given him the slip. Suddenly the air around her grew with humidity, becoming warm and damp with steam. Ah! A hot spring! She squealed with joy inside her head. Maybe now I can get all this sweat and dirt off of me.

She followed the sound of water and had to fight her way through some brush and trees until she came upon the little spring. It was about the size of a small pool, a lazy waterfall trickling at one end of the water, the pool surrounded by rocks on one side, weeping willows and think underbrush and grass on the other. This place was so secluded, that if it weren’t for the steam in the air and the sound of the waterfall, she could have walked right next to it without even knowing it was there. At least I’ll be safe from any Peeping Toms that might be prowling the woods. Ha! I bet the only thing prowling these woods is…

Her face flushed immediately as she thought of Sesshoumaru stalking toward her. Not to eat her like he was so hell bent on earlier, but watching her undress and scrub clean in the spring. Why the hell does he want to eat me anyways! Sure, he’s tried to kill me before, but this is ridiculous! And he was the Western Lord wasn’t he? How come he can’t just buy himself some take out? Sighing, Kagome continued to undress where she sat at the edge of the spring, folding each piece of clothing before setting it aside on the rock beside her. “Ah crap, I shouldn’t have put my feet in the water, now my underwear’s going to get wet when I take it off.” She grumbled.

Pondering on how she was going to take off her last piece of clothing, in a way that wouldn’t have her waiting hours for it to dry to put them back on, she suddenly heard a voice in her ear say, “Don’t worry, you won’t need them again anytime soon.” Kagome froze. No, it can’t be! Reluctantly, Kagome tilted her head back until she was starting into fiery golden eyes.


He licked a trail down my abdomen, sliding around the edges of my bellybutton, then continued on his downward trek. I was trapped by the golden fire in his eyes as he watched by reactions. “S-st-stop.” I uttered breathlessly, not really wanting him to stop, but know if I let him go any further, that he’d reach a point up until now had only been touched by me.

“Oh, but I must finish sampling my meal before I decide if I want to eat it. After all, it must taste delicious if am to allow it to grace my tongue. Only the finest quality will do.” I would have been miffed at his arrogance if the look in his eyes wasn’t searing my brain’s ability to form coherent thoughts. Not only that, but his voice was husky and soft, almost teasing with how it felt as if it was holding back a dam of untamed desire, only allowing me to see the edge of it. Damn him! I wanted to know all of it, to see what he was hiding just below the surface. Damn my curiosity!

Like the traitors they were, my toes curled and my breath hitched as I looked into his eyes as he said those awful, delicious words. He smirked and continued his ministrations. Then he stopped, his tongue coming to rest just above the curls between my legs. Despite my efforts to stop it, a moaning whimper left my lips, and as if taking that as permission, with a triumphant gleam in his eyes, He removed his tongue from my skin and hooked a finger over the top edge of my underwear. Slowly he pulled the fabric down, allowing his mouth to follow it. Oh, he didn’t let his lips touch me, no, but close enough to where I could feel his breath glide across my flesh, knowing that all he had to do was lick his lips, and his tongue would touch me again. I shivered in anticipation, and to my surprise, a bit of impatience as he continued to deny me the feel of that rough, wet appendage against my untouched flesh.

When his lips hovered over my most sensitive spot, his mouth stopped, but his finger went on, sliding the lacey garment down my legs and, with a flick, sent them to lay with the rest of my clothing on the rock at the edge of the spring. Well that was it, the last piece of my clothing was gone, and I lay completely exposed to his burning eyes. All he had to do was glance down, and his searing gaze would be looking at my pink, innocent flesh, and I was completely at his mercy, for now, there was nothing I could do to stop him from seeing.

I shivered as I thought about that heated gaze of his looking at me there, but he didn’t. He just kept boring into my eyes as I watched him. “Do you still wish me to stop, little one?” he whispered. His breath ghosted over my sensitive bud and I gasped. Oh Kami! If that’s what he could do with just his breath, then what would it feel like when he used his… “Kagome,” he purred, making me tremble, “If you do not answer, I will assume you are giving me permission to continue.”

I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, but my body wouldn’t listen to me. It outright refused to allow me to speak. All I could manage was to exhale shakily. He smirked, and then, as he still held my gaze, slowly parted his lips, and I watched as his tongue curled out, and the tip of it pressed against my flesh. I whined and trembled harder. Then slowly, agonizingly slow, he drew his tongue up the length of my lips and up to my clit. I gasped as my back arched and I threw my head back.

I was about to look back at him when he did it again, going the opposite direction. He’s toying with me! I realized as he continued his strokes, slow and taunting, daring me to beg him to go faster. I threw my head to the side and tried to buck my hips, bringing them closer to his mouth, but he wouldn’t let me. His large hands held me fast, keeping my hips firmly on the rock underneath me. And then I felt his tongue leave me. In shock, a little worried I had done something wrong, I looked down at him, again meeting those devastating eyes. This seemed to be what he wanted, for as soon as our eyes locked, he resumed his teasing.

This time I was unable to look away. I was trapped. I gasped and panted with each stroke of his tongue, pleading in my head for him to go faster, to put more pressure, to stop his ever loving taunting! But I was so entranced that I couldn’t do anything but, tremble, gasp ,and watch as he corrupted me. Minutes went by and my panting increased as he went on, changing angles or stopping, then finding a new point to start from, just to make sure no one place got enough attention. And it was driving me crazy! He would always leave me unsatisfied, wanting more and more. I snapped. “Please,” I begged breathlessly. He tilted his head to let me know to keep going, but otherwise kept toying with my flesh. “I…I can’t…” I panted as I watched the desire in his eyes grow darker and mixed with a bit of mischief. He knew. The bastard knew he was driving me insane! But I didn’t care, I needed him to do more. “Please…!” was all I could get out, unable to finish my plea, knowing he knew what I wanted.

I could have sworn I saw him smirk as he paused, then looked down to watch his tongue as it began to stroke me faster, harder, but still agonizingly slow. That did it. It wasn’t that he had barely increased his pace enough just for me to be able to notice, it was his eyes. He watched as my clit quivered as his tongue rolled over my flesh. Seeing him stare so intently at me, languidly dragging his tongue across my sex, it just turned me on even more. When he gave quite a dramatic lick of his tongue as he glanced up at me through his lashes, I had to bite my finger to keep from crying out. Damn! How sinful could this man be! And he hasn’t even been inside me yet!....Oh my…. Just the thought of what he would further do to me, of what the other parts of his body could do had me shivering all over again. I opened my eyes to look at him to see his was back to watching himself lick me. As if my new trembling had encouraged him, he was suddenly licking me faster as his tongue got a bit rougher.

I couldn’t breathe. As if it were possible, my panting got even heavier as I tried not to thrash too wildly. I mewled as his continued to increase his pace. Then my clit was in his mouth as he suckled it. My back arched again as I cried out in need.


Delicious. This woman was absolutely and completely divine. The best part had been when she had begged me for more, to do more than just give her a small taste of my talents. She was going to do that again. Oh yes, this little one was going to beg me to do much, much more.

A/N: I'm not sure if breaking up my A/N so some is at the beginning and some is at the end is ok or not, so lemme know please! Anyways, that's what I have so far, and I have a couple ideas forming for later in the back of my head. Springbreak is next week, so hopefully I'll get more to you then! R&R please!