Soul Strings by Anna

The Sphere.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, which is the brainchild of Rumiko Takahashi. I also do not own recognizable myths, though I may mesh together some in my cooking pot.

Authors Note: Myths used are by Plato and Edgar Cayce, with other mish mash of myths I’ve picked up along in my travels. Gods mentioned are not meant to offend, as they may hold similarities to that of many religions. Chapters will vary in length, and updates will be spontaneous.  Please enjoy, constructive criticism is welcomed.

When Earth was new, the Powers came often and stayed for long durations to visit and oversee Earth and its bounty.  But with chaos in the universe the Powers had duties to attend to, and soon the visits became shorter and longer between. Terra grew sad and lonely, longing for the companionship that she had when the Powers came.

Her dense forests grew dark and the viridian grass grew brown and thin. The clouds swirled and whirled an angry black, as Terra became more and more lonely and despondent.

The Powers were saddened to see their once vibrant creation grow more saddened, so they gathered and formulated a solution to keep the young Terra happy while they guided the cosmos.

They created soul twins in their own image to remind Terra of their presence when they were gone. The Powers called these creations, soul mates. They were fashioned from the dark and light of the cosmos, with instinct and freewill, and were complimentary in the most opposite of ways.

They had the appearance of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, male and female. This was the complete form of those we now call Beings.

And Terra was happy as these soul mates climbed her mountains, ate the fruit she bared, danced, laughed, and loved upon her lushness.

The Powers felt they had found the perfect companions for Terra, so they went about their own duties and their visits grew even less frequent.

It was a long time later that The Powers remembered their young child, and went to see her growth and beauty. When they arrived, they expected Terra to bloom and shake in excitement for their visit. However, it became apparent that the soul mates filled their place in Terra heart and soul.

Even when the seas rose in magnificent sparks to great The Powers, it was not enough, for a seed of jealousy had already been planted.

What happened later was unexpected, as the Powers had feelings and urges of their own. They felt the stirrings of a new emotion called ‘jealousy’, as a seed of chaos filled their hearts. So with a vindictive heart, the Powers struck the soul mates and tore them apart.  They became half of what they once were, their memories of their other half wiped, and they were scattered about the earth. Some halves where luckier than others, and survived the separations, others halves died, leaving their mates alone on Terra.

Terra mourned her friends, as their memories of each other and of her disappeared. Though her powers were great, she could not overturn the judgment of The Powers nor their orders. Instead, she found the soul mates that she could, the precious few that were left, and gently tied a red string to each of their fingers binding them together. Terra hoped that they would follow the red string and once again find their completeness.

Alas, things and lives evolve and adapt, the strings became faded and dulled. The Earth was vast and cruel, molding some into ruthless beings with immense determination to become more powerful. Some souls were beaten and battered, submitting to their weaker senses and docilely carved their own places to survive.

Terra watched as the souls changed and deformed, soon becoming individuals with a twisted sense of mating. She shed tears when the first docile souls but not mates, loved upon her earth to create a new species. Their soul strings snapped. She howled in anguish as the first ruthless souls but not mates, raped upon her earth to create another new species. Their soul strings, which Terra had so loving tied, also snapped. She watched as one by one, the already fragile and faded strands snapped one by one.

Core burdened and subdued, Terra retreated from the Earth and waited. Either for one of the souls to find their mates or until all red strings has snapped. Which ever occurred first.

This is how The Story is told from a point in the cycle, but our story doesn’t start or end until much later.