The Voices In My Head by TheMikoShivae

The Voices In My Head

A/N:  For Whisper!  Feel free to review :D

Disclaimer:  Not Mine.

Prompt: Whisper

The trees whispered to each other as the group of shard hunters made their way through the dense forest. Even they could sense the forlornness coming from the castle that had been abandoned for so long. How could they not, when it caused those closer to wither away and die?

None knew for certain what had caused the once prideful lord to become this way, though of course there were always rumors. Some said that the one he cared for the most had been ripped from his protective embrace and slain right in front of him.


Prompt Barrier:

The attitude of the group began to spiral downwards as they moved ever closer. Even the normally brash hanyou was overly subdued. The air was so thick with his opressive and saddened aura, it could be cut with Tetsusaiga. Kagome, being a miko, was extra sensitive to the feelings of others, and right now she wanted to just break down and cry.

Whatever had happened to Sesshoumaru, it had caused the barriers surrounding the heart many thought was made of ice to shatter and cut it to shreds. They had to get to him before something, or someone, made things much worse.


Prompt Mistress:

The woman had been one of his father's many mistresses over the years. She had somehow gotten it in her head that she was the most deserving of being mated to him, even though he hadn't seen her since he was a pup. She was a vindictive thing, and refused to let anything stand in her way, especially a filthy human child.

She had followed him and his ward for several weeks, hoping to notice a consistent point of time when Sesshoumaru would break off from his group, leaving a decent oppurtunity for her to make her move.


Prompt Innocent:

When he had slipped off for his evening hunt, after reminding Jaken just what would happen should he fail to protect Rin, she crept up behind the unsuspecting duo.Without even a hint of warning, she wrapped her hands around their scrawny necks and squeezed until she was sure that neither of them would take another breath, ever.

She thought that she was doing her future mate a favor by disposing of the toad that seemed to annoy him constantly and the supposedly innocent girl. That human would have ruined his reputation, or even worse, grown up into an adult and used her lord in even more ways than she already had.


Prompt Brain:

Something had happened. He could feel the sudden stillness of the air. He abandoned the chase he was currently on and raced back to his camp.

He was too late. There was nothing he could do to save either of them, as Tensaiga had already been used on them in the past. His logical brain could not understand how it could have possibly happened, he hadn't sensed anyone else in the surrounding area when he had left them.

He picked up his ward with a gentleness most would say he didn't possess and let a single tear slip down his stone cold face.



Prompt Quiet:

It was quiet, too quiet. Nothing could be heard but cautious footsteps as they approached the castle. A mournful howl erupted from inside, and it caused an involuntary shiver to go up Kagome's spine.

Trying to rub away the residual goosebumps, Kagome couldn't help but feel they were getting in over their heads this time. Sesshoumaru was a lot more powerful than any other demon they had every come across, and may attack them in the highly emotional state he was in.

With a few nervous glances between them, they slipped inside.


Prompt Papasan:

The walked warily through the halls of the castle. They had to be prepared for anything that might jump out at them as they made their way to where his aura was the strongest.

None of them were sure what to expect, but it definately wasn't what they found.

He was sitting in a decrepit papasan, his body curled around hers. He would occasionally stroke her hair, waiting for her to open her eyes and smile for him like she always did. Kagome couldn't help but let her tears fall now, knowing that such a bright young life had been snuffed out so suddenly, and taken the sanity of the demon lord with it.


Prompt Hidden/hide:

He could feel them. They were here to take her away from him. He wouldn't, COULDN'T, let them have her. He had to protect her, hide her away from those who would harm her further.

He growled viciously at all the grasping hands. He had to get away from here. It was the only way to keep her safe. The voices were getting louder and louder, he didn't have much time.

He bolted up and past the startled group and ran as fast as he could out of the castle and deeper into the woods. He knew the perfect place that nobody else would ever find. He would stay there with her, and keep her as safe as he should have all along.