In All of the Yesterdays Before Tomorrow by thekla

there's a crowd of people harboured in every person

BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! I've been wanting to write Kag/Sess recently but am fresh out of ideas so I found some prompts from shortfic_500 on livejournal and (loosely) came up with a plot by the time I'd finished the first drabble. One story told in little emotional blurbs. I'll try posting five at a time. Let me know what you think of the style? There might?will? be dialogue ever? Even I don't know.

418. Lavish

Kagome feels as though her nerves were on fire. The intensity of his gaze bores through her skin and infects her blood, leaving a coppery tang in her mouth that's two parts fear and one part forbidden, like the first bittersweet tones of dark chocolate. Beside her Rin prattles on in the unconcerned way of innocent little girls who know nothing of candies outside of their sweetness.

Sesshoumaru has little attention and even less compassion to spare on that which he considers unworthy. Trapped under the entire gravity of his singular focus Kagome is the center of his universe, dense and infinite, absorbing the light of a thousand stars. Idly, she wonders what she did to catch his eye - and whether she should do it again.

265. Damned

Inuyasha is so proud of everything they have together. The summer after Kagome's return he goes about doing all the things a good lover should do in his usual gruff and adorably awkward manner. Between his and Miroku's hard work she and Inuyasha have a little cottage on the edge of the village by fall. When Kagome first steps through the threshold of the home her love built she feels blessed. 

Now, waking behind the doors carefully constructed to keep her safe and warm, she longs for the hard dirt paths and darkened moors of the untamed wilds. There is a peculiarity in this desire that can only be expressed in the half-light between dreaming and waking that leaves her feeling dirty and shamed.

3. Sex

The first time she and Inuyasha have sex, it's everything she feared and few things she hadn't. It's messy and painful and he curses a lot and she cries a little, but they both like it just enough to keep trying and eventually start to get it right. Only, the more right it is for him physically the more wrong it is for her emotionally because his still curses and she fights less. 

Kagome tells herself over and over she's doing it because she loves him and wants to please him. Inuyasha never even realizes the disservice he is doing to their love every time he pulls her beneath him and calls her names. The worst is when he calls her Kikyou. 

233. Alien

Kagome learns that Sesshoumaru's travels are vast and the land he patrols considered part of his domain, which he endeavors to keep mostly peaceful, if not free of demons that would overtly threaten the general population. During these long crusades he occationally stops and brings Rin what little news a man as taciturn as Sesshoumaru has to share of the world and all its wonders. 

He arrives at sunset by floating cloud. The dying light sets his fair hair and the white of his clothing aglow. Windswept and wild the youkai lord reminds the young miko of a fallen angel tipped with swords and steel. Like an alien dropped from the heavens he skews her perspective of everything she think she knows about the world by simply existing. 

99. January

It's bitter cold but Kagome has to get out of that damned house this instant before either she or Inuyasha regrets it. She reflects on the more innocent days when all they argued about were exams and ramen. She wishes things were still so simple. 

Now he wants a child. Children. A son first, then concentrate on daughters. Kagome wants a few years to themselves, time to settle down and to grow. 

She's staring blankly out into the crisp dull white of deep winter when something shifts in her peripheral vision. Slowly, Kagome turns and is shocked to find the demon lord looking back at her, his demeanor as frigid and brittle as the air around them. What shocks her most is the knowledge he wouldn't still be there if he didn't want to be seen.