An Oni's Curse by Flamethemightydragon

Chapter 1

Author’s Note: I’ve always wanted to participate in SessKag week but always missed when it was happening until it was too late. This year is different and I’m finally able to join in the fun! I’m not the best at working with prompts, so I hope it came out alright. Don’t panic if you’re a bit confused by this chapter. I promise it will make sense later. This will be my only author’s note, so I hope everyone enjoys! Thank you in advance for any favorites, follows, kudos, and reviews.


Disclaimer: InuYasha & Final Act are all owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Viz Media & Madmen Entertainment.

SessKag Week 2023 Day 1 – Anticipation

Word Prompt: Future

Scenario 1: Preparing for a celebration

Scenario 2: Character A is getting impatient, character B tries to rein them in

Chapter One

Sakura blossoms floated in the cool breeze, pulling tendrils of dark raven hair. Pausing in her sweeping, Kagome tucked the windswept strands behind her ear, a gentle smile on her face. Eyes roamed the shrine as she mentally checked off and added things on her to-do-list to prepare for the night’s festival.

There wasn’t too much left that needed tending. Her mother was adding the finishing touches on their festival garb for the night while Souta stocked the gift shop he would oversee once the sun set. This would be the first time he took charge of part of the festival, and there was no hiding the pride radiating from him.

From what she could gather, the biggest thing left was setting out the various artifacts Jichan wished to display. It wasn’t something they had done in the past; many of the artifacts were far too dangerous to remove from the warded storage shed. But this year was different.

This year, they had Sesshoumaru.

Dusty pink bloomed across her cheeks as the daiyoukai appeared, arms full of boxes; trailing Jichan as the old man rambled about their history. Watching Sesshoumaru interact with her family always filled her with joy.

The sakura blossoms circling around her floated across the shrine. The way the breeze played with his long hair, silver sparkling in the afternoon sun, reminded her of something…

Frowning, she leaned against Goshinboku, the silent support of the tree soothing her racing mind. What was it she was forgetting? Glancing down, her hands playing with a twig of sakura, nothing came to mind. She paused, tilting her head to the side. Hadn’t she been doing something just moments ago?

“Did you find it yet?” Head darting up, her eyes widened as Rin stood before her; smile bright, with a curious twinkle in her eye.

“I don’t think so?” Brows furrowed, she tried to remember exactly what she was looking for. It was important. She knew that with a certainty. Yet, the object itself eluded her. Rin shook her head, chuckling, before rocking back on her heels.

“You should hurry. Sesshoumaru-sama will be awfully upset if you can’t find it.” Yes, he would be upset. He specifically asked her to find it for him. Glancing at the sky, her chest constricted. Already the first hints of orange streaked across the powdery blue.

Jolting to her feet, Kagome sprinted across the shrine. If Sesshoumaru needed something, it had to do with the artifacts he was helping Jichan with. If she couldn’t find what Sesshoumaru needed, it would ruin the whole festival for Jichan. He was so excited to bring out the antiques this year. Slamming the storage shed door open, her eyes scanned the dark room. Cobwebs gathered in every corner, boxes full of various antiques piled high to the ceiling. What was she here for again?

Chewing on the edge of her thumbnail, she tried to focus. Why did she come here? Stepping into the room, she let the shadows overtake her. The door to the shed slid closed, the shadows bleeding into darkness. Pulse hammering, Kagome turned around, unable to see the surrounding boxes. How was she ever supposed to find what she was looking for in the dark? A tickle on her arm caused her to jump; feet tangling and gravity welcomed her with open arms.

A crash echoed through the small shed as she landed hard on one of the many stacks of boxes. Sharp corners dug into her stomach as box after box toppled upon her, the final box hitting her hip, right over the tender flesh Mistress Centipede tore so long ago. Groaning, she rubbed her abused body, wishing the pain away before sitting up.

A glow spilled from one of the many fallen boxes, her eyes latching onto the faint light. At the edge of of the shadows, buried under a pile of scrolls and sutras, was a piece of torn fabric. Kagome’s breath caught as she lunged for the fabric, the deep-seated need to hold it in her hands spurring her to act.

Fingers brushed against the ancient silk, a shudder running through her. This had to be what she was looking for. The silk was imperative for the festival; she had to get it before the sun finished setting. Everything would be ruined if she failed. Grunting, she reached out, trying to grasp the fabric; yet it remained just out of reach.

Panic rushed through her. She had to get the silk, she just had to. Scraping her nails against the wooden floor, she whimpered. She had been looking forward to the festival for months. She couldn’t screw everything up at the last minute.

Golden light exploded around her, the last of the sun’s rays forcing the shadows away. Throwing an arm over her eyes, the sudden brightness like a knife through her head. Strong hands settled on her shoulders, the worst of the light blocked for now. “Always such trouble.” The deep timber voice held a touch of amusement.

“Please…” Kagome gestured toward where the silk rested. “The festival will be a disaster without it.” The hands, wrapping her in soothing security, lifted her from the floor.

“Settle, my Miko.” She whimpered, pulling herself closer to the calming voice.

“But… I can’t reach it.” Looking up, panicked sapphire meet gold. A delicate brow lifted, strong hands rubbing her arms. “The festival-”

“Will be fine.” Brows furrowed, Kagome shifted, looking beyond Sesshoumaru and through the open door. The last rays of sunlight slipped past the horizon, stirring the panic inside her.

“But…” He growled, a low hum meant to calm her. “You don’t understand.” She grabbed the silken sleeves of his haori. Claws ran through her hair, the anxiety fueling her finally settling. Resting her forehead against his warm chest, she sighed. Sesshoumaru had never steered her wrong. If he said everything would be fine, then it would be.