A Future in the Past by Sesshomaru-is-my-sama

Start of the beginning

Her waist long black hair flowed in the wind as she walked towards Edo from the bone eaters well. It had been a few months since the defeat of Naraku and Kagome had never felt so good. For the first time in five years she was under no obligation to go shard hunting. She was able to enjoy her time with Kaede and Rin. She enjoyed teaching the young girl about medicines. She was so spirited in learning all that Kagome could teach her. Rin wanted to learn everything she could so she could be of aid to Sesshomaru when she was old enough. She really missed traveling by his side, and Kagome was teaching her about medicines that help youkai. As unlikely as it is, because youkai heal so quickly, it never hurts to hold information that could potentially help somewhere down the line. 

As soon as Kagome could be seen coming into the village Rin was by her side asking her questions about some of the herbs that could be used to make medicines. Kagome smiled and answered all the questions the young girl had. Kaede was very helpful in helping her with the medicines that help humans while Kagome was more helpful with the demon medicines. Kagome was able to learn a lot about demon medicines during her travels with Inuyasha and the gang. 

While in the village Kagome helped out Kaede gather herbs. Whenever there was a villager in need Kagome was there. Sometimes with Rin and sometimes alone. Kaede was getting up in age and it was becoming difficult for her to make house calls. Inuyasha came and went as he pleased, after the final battle he was hardly seen. He would only show up to see if Kagome changed her mind, well more like badger her into changing her mind. It got to the point where she would have to ‘sit’ him to get space from him. She was tired of him and his selfishness. Sango and Miroku were married three days after the defeat of Naraku. They were so relieved after the defeat that they couldn’t wait any longer. It was a beautiful ceremony.


Purple octopus like arms were scattered all around them. Naraku was finally dead. After years of his torture, and all the anguish he caused their small group, he was finally gone. It was hard to believe. Kagome was on the ground, sitting with her legs bent resting on either side of her. Exhaustion written all over her beautiful features. She looked around, Inuyasha had taken a pretty bad blow to the stomach and was resting against a nearby tree, Sango and Miroku were holding each other on the other side of the small clearing, both looking a mess. Sango’s high ponytail now sat at the base of her head and she had scratches and dirt marks covering her face. Her taijiya uniform had small tears in it, nothing that couldn’t be sewn up. Miroku looked no better. His ceremonial robes were ripped in several places and his chest was actually showing. His hair was disheveled, and he had a deep gash above his eyebrow. They both looked extremely happy to be holding each other in a tight embrace. Kagome had Shippo stay with Kaede and Rin in the village. He was much too young to partake in this battle. Plus, he needed more training than what he had. She looked at the last man standing. In all his glory, with not even a hair out of place, stood Sesshomaru. His emotionless face scanned over the clearing. Kagome could not tell what he was thinking. Kagome was quickly brought out of her thoughts with the rough voice of Inuyasha. 

“Oy! Wench, did you get all the shards!” Kagome shook her head no in response, too tired to respond to him. She closed her eyes and felt the shard call to her. As soon as Naraku fell so did everyone else. Their fight was finally over. It took a moment because they were buried deep under the mush that was Naraku. Kagome got up on her weak legs and walked to the pile. She just about threw up at the sight. ‘Kami, I really do not want to stick my hand in there’ She took a deep breath and dug in. At long last she had the last parts of the jewel. Kagome grabbed the other half of the jewel on her neck, taking the half that she just pulled out of Naraku, she pressed the two halves together in closed hands. A sense of relief fell over her as the jewel became whole again. Everyone started to gather around her as she slowly opened her hand to reveal the now whole jewel. The light from the jewel blazed through the cracks of her fingers and through the slowly growing opening of her hand. “It is over” Kagome smiled.

 “Give it to me Kagome.” Inuyasha Demanded. Everyone excluding Sesshomaru looked at him as if he grew two heads. Sesshomaru just looked at him with heavy disgust in his eyes “Yasha...” Kagome trailed on. Inuyasha cut her off 

“You promised me! You said I could have it to make myself a full demon and to bring Kikyo back” Kagome could only stare at him. Even after all these years of her showing him nothing but unyielding love and support of him being a half-demon. 

“Inuyasha, it needs to be a selfless wish. It needs to be Miss. Kagome who makes the wish.” Miroku said.

” You want to bring the already dead miko back when you have a perfectly alive miko in front of you.” Sesshomaru stated disapprovingly. While Sesshomaru would have never voiced something that had nothing to do with him, he thought it absurd that he would choose the dead over the alive. Even if the chance to bring the dead one back why would he want to disturb that of which has been dead for over fifty years. 

“Keh, the wench is no Kikyo. Even if she were, she would just be a replacement.” Inuyasha, already healing from his wounds, said as he crossed his arms against his chest, with his nose in the air. Everyone looked at Kagome, whose face was void of all emotion. She could have given Sesshomaru a run for his money. ‘If looks could kill’ thought Sango and Miroku. 

“I will never give you this jewel Inuyasha” Kagome said with an eerily calm voice. “You are an undeserving child who does not see what he has in front of him. You are a user and you are pathetic. I would rather see you painfully alone then to give you what you want!” and with that Kagome turned around and started walking in the direction of Edo, and more importantly the well. “Inuyasha you are no longer the alpha of our pack. I suggest you leave and find a new one, this one rejects you.” She threw out over her shoulder. Inuyasha of course did not take that well. Sango and Miroku threw Inuyasha a dirty look and went to follow Kagome.

“WENCH! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!” Inuyasha was about to charge at her until the tall figure of Sesshomaru blocked her retreating form from his view. 

“Half breed, I suggest you leave the miko alone. You have been shamefully disowned by your own packmates. You should feel much shame.” In the demon society it is the ultimate dishonor to get kicked out of your pack. There is nothing more shameful.  

“Get out of my way fucker! You are not a part of this.” Inuyasha tried to storm past him. Sesshomaru would have none of that. Using his demon speed, he was in front of Inuyasha again.

“You will leave the miko alone!” Sesshomaru said with a tone that held no room for argument. Inuyasha realizing that he was in no condition to fight just ‘keh’d’ and walked away. 

‘Hm, at least the half breed seemed to have some smarts’ Sesshomaru walked in the same direction as the three humans. He was going to check on his ward.

“Kagome?” Sango touched her friend on the shoulder in a comforting manor. “Are you okay?”

“I am fine Sango, thank you for asking. What he said was harsh and it hurt me, but I am Kagome, the miko who possesses the shikon no tama. I am powerful and I am strong. Nothing Inuyasha could say can take that away from me.” Kagome felt it too. Oddly enough his words unfazed her. She knew deep down that she was always just a replacement for her. Hell, she didn’t even belong in this era. There could have never possibly been a future for her here…right?

Kagome looked at Sango wearing a beautiful white kimono with different shade of pink cherry blossoms accenting it. Her hair was pulled into high bun that sat slightly off center. Kagome had to hold back from crying at the sight her best friend made. 

“Oh Sango, you are beautiful! Miroku won’t be able to keep his hands off of you” Sango laughed at the last part of Kagome’s comment. “I cannot believe this is happening, how do you feel?”

“I have never been more excited Kags. I am so ready for him to be my husband. Only a few moments longer!” Sango was so anxious. Miroku and her were going to be married. Rin came in a few moments later to let the girls know it was time.

“Are you ready Sango?”

“I am” and with that they walked out of the hut. The ceremony was going to take place by Goshinboku. A tree that Kagome once saved Inuyasha from. Why the choice to do the ceremony here is foreign knowledge to her. Although during this time of year it certainly was a breathtaking venue. The seasons were changing, so it was not too hot but not too cold either. And the way the petals fell off the tree adding to the scene that was taking place added to the romance of the ceremony. It was a very small ceremony with Kaede officiating it. Kohaku was there, having been brought back by the hands of Sesshomaru, standing next to Miroku and Rin was there standing by Kaede. You could see the happiness that the couple felt. The smile that appeared on Mirokus’ face as he saw his bride walking towards him. The moment that they said ‘I do’ was a moment that they all would remember forever.


 Kagome smiled at the memory of Sango and Miroku sharing their first kiss as husband and wife. She felt a pang of sadness. ‘I wonder if I will ever have that’ Kagome finally made it to her destination. “Good afternoon Kaede!” Kagome greeted.

 “Hello child, how was ye visit to your time. Did you find what ye was looking for?” Kagome had gone back to her time to visit her family and to dig up some information on a selfless wish.

“I found some information about it, but nothing that is of help to me.”

“Maybe ye could ask Lord Sesshomaru to read some of the scrolls he may have that provide information about the jewel” Kaede rubbed her hand on her chin thinking about some type of solution. 

“Kaede that is a brilliant idea! The next time he come to visit Rin I will ask him!” Why had she not thought of that before! Kagome went about her day as normal, gathering herbs, talking with Rin, Kaede, and Sango, making dinner for everyone and laughing around the fire before going to bed. Little did she know the man she needed to talk to about some scrolls was listening to her the entire day from the shadows. He will make his presence known at first light, using the excuse that he was checking up on his ward. Though he will never admit it, the miko had caught his attention during the battle with the dark hanyou. He intends to find out what it is about her that he finds compelling.