Tokyo Med by Nox


Author's Note: I have no clue where this story is going, but it's been in my head for a few weeks and I had to put fingers to keyboard. I might change this from chapter to a drabble collection. I really prefer chapter stories though so we'll see how this story evolves. 

This is rated MA for a reason. No other warnings will be given.


“Kagome! Incoming to bay 1!” Sango’s voice called out from the nurse’s station.

With a nod, Kagome jumped up quickly from her spot in front of the computer. The automatic doors to the emergency room opened smoothly as a pair of paramedics rushed in with a woman on a stretcher.

“28-year-old female, 35 weeks pregnant, unresponsive, found on the floor by her husband.”

Kagome listened closely as the paramedics rattled off the basics of her overall health condition from what they could pull from their exam. “Great… let’s move her… 1, 2, 3…” With a collective movement, the paramedics, two nurses and Kagome shifted the woman from the stretcher to the hospital bed.

Kaede placed cardiac monitor stickers onto the woman’s chest to get her vitals registered and she watched out of the corner of her eye as Kagome pulled the ultrasound machine over.

Hands sanitized and gloves on, she pushed the woman’s shirt up and with a squirt of gel, had the fetus up on the screen. “Baby looks good, heartbeat of 150, a little boy. No abnormal placenta placement or signs of evident bleeding. What do you have for me, Kaede?”

“Blood pressure is low, but otherwise she looks well.” The blood pressure machine beeped as it registered. She set about putting the patient on fluids and oxygen next.

“Order me a CBC and tox screen and check for gestational diabetes.” Kagome cleaned off the woman’s belly and pulled her shirt back down. “Also call OB/GYN. We should get her transferred up to labor and delivery just to be safe.” Tugging her gloves off, she chucked them in the trash. “Where is her husband?”

Kaede nodded at the instructions. “Medics said that he had to stay behind with the other children at home and that he’d be here as soon as possible.”

“Okay, well let me know if anything changes.” Kagome sighed inwardly. She was thankful that there were no immediate concerns and that this was a patient she could pass onto another unit. As much as she loved her job, she was 16 hours into what was only supposed to be a ten hour shift.

Her eyes glanced to the clock on the wall which read a quarter after two in the morning. Resisting the urge to yawn, she started back to the computer she had been on.

Sango’s voice rang out again. “Kagome! Sesshoumaru! Incoming, trauma bay 3. Kouga! Souta! Trauma bay 4. Satoshi! Sei! Trauma bay 5. Multiple car accident.”

The sound of the doors sliding open let the sirens of the ambulances filter into the department. A gentle hand on the small of her back pulled Kagome back into reality. She did not notice that she had zoned out briefly as the flashing red lights grew closer.

“You okay?” Honey-hazel eyes looked her over expectantly and she only smiled at Sesshoumaru’s concern.

“Yeah… you know how it gets on a double shift.”

He smirked, running a hand through his platinum blonde hair as he hurried over as the first patient rolled in. “Don’t we all.”

So much for a quiet shift.




Five hours later, Kagome found herself blurry-eyed and exhausted and stumbling into her apartment. She nearly tripped over her own slippers as she attempted to take her work shoes off. Strong arms came up around her waist to stabilize her.

“Another long night, huh?”

“Ugh, Yash! You have no idea… five car accident with three in critical condition just a few hours before Ryu was scheduled to come in.” Inuyasha helped her out of her coat and took her bag.

“I was reading about that on the news an hour ago. A drunk driver?” He knew she could not talk in detail due to patient confidentiality, but from the pictures on the news, it seemed severe.

Kagome headed straight to the sink to wash her hands before applying a thick layer of lotion on them. “More like heavy drug usage plus alcohol plus truth or dare.” She rolled her eyes and plopped down at the table. Inuyasha had prepared breakfast, as he did most mornings when she worked nights.

Picking up a bowl of warm rice, she started to eat. It was not until the first bite hit her tongue did she realize how absolutely famished she was. “Don’t judge me!” She fussed at her husband who was leaning on the counter across from her and smirking. “You know when I get completely preventable accidents at the end of my shift I get hangry!”

“I didn’t say a thing!” Inuyasha held up his hands and laughed.

“Your face gives you away!” She jabbed her chopsticks towards him and stuck out her tongue at him before taking another bite of egg.

Still laughing, Inuyasha leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “I think you’re just paranoid, but I’ve got to get to work. Load the dishwasher for me, please.”

Mouth full, she simply nodded and waved him off as he put his shoes on and grabbed his jacket and keys. The door clicked softly behind him.

Kagome continued to munch happily until she had cleaned every bowl and plate that Inuyasha had set out for her. “Ah! So full! That man sure knows how to make a fried egg.” The sound of vibrating turned her attention to her bag and she leaned over to rustle through it. Pulling out her cell phone, her lips curled into a smile as she read the text message.

Typing out a response, she set it down on the table and hurried to the bathroom to shower.


Grumbling under his breath, Sesshoumaru looked around as he tugged the hat down over his hair. More than once he had considered dyeing it. He hated standing out and preferred to blend in easily with the crowd. He felt like the train was taking forever or maybe he was just tired. Probably both.

The smooth sound of metal against metal floated out as the trained pulled into the station. People filtered in and he found himself crammed together against others. He had been hoping to avoid getting off so late to prevent getting trapped in morning rush hour, but it seemed the Universe would not favor him this morning.

The trip passed in a blur and Sesshoumaru picked up the pace after checking the time on his phone. He was right, the train had been late.

Pulling his keys out, he fumbled for a brief moment to find the correct one and the lock engaged with a pop. Pushing the door open, he slipped off his shoes, sliding them under the bench by the door and pulled off his hat and jacket.

The comforting smells of the apartment with the combined sensation that he wasn't responsible at that brief moment in time for anyone's life had his muscles relaxing with each step as he reached the bathroom.

Moments later, he slipped into the shower and wrapped his arms around the lithe figure that stood under the water.

“I was wondering when you'd get here.” Kagome turned around and grinned at him. Her blues sparkled excitedly as she pulled him down into a kiss.

He wasted no time in sliding his hands down to the back of her thighs and lifting her up. Legs wrapped around his waist as he pressed her up against the cool tile of the shower and hungrily returned her kiss.

Moaning into his mouth, she buried her fingers into his locks as their tongues slide past one another in a slow dance of heated passion. How wonderfully delicious he tasted to the point that she whined when he pulled away.

Sesshoumaru peppered kisses down the left side of her neck before he chuckled against her skin as she spoke.

“Stop teasing me and fuck me.” She bucked her hips against him impatiently. Their schedules had kept them apart for two weeks and when she said she ached for him, she ached.

Quick to appease the demanding woman, Sesshoumaru shifted to position the head of his cock at her opening and with one hard thrust, filled her completely.

Eyes on her, he wasn't sure what was more delectable. Was it the feeling of her tightness squeezing him? Her beautiful face contorted in pleasure that he caused? Or was it the fact that she was forbidden fruit?

Kagome was his brother's wife after all.