Ahhh, im still waitingfor an updateee.
I wish this had the last of the story. It was really good. My inner Sesshome demon is unsatisfied with the cutoff.
Susi8 (Chapter 4) - Wed 08 Jul 2015
I know it has been a while since you've updated, so I hope you are doing well. I liked reading your story very much when it came out and I hope you can update the final chapter soon, I would like to know how it ends. :D
Ouch. Big bad Sesshy has found someone that does not drool at the sight of him.
Mia (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Jun 2014
I know it has been a while but....more please!
Jayne (Chapter 4) - Wed 08 May 2013
i love this i hope you update soon but now that she has his youkai inside her does that mean she will become a demon too that would be soooo cool i cant wait to read the next chapter :) till next time
Loveyaa (Chapter 4) - Tue 07 May 2013
Quite the compact story. I can't wait to see Sesshoumaru finally get Naraku. Hopefully its before another attempt on Kagome and the baby. I do enjoy their romance oh so much. I can't wait to see what happens next and now what Kagome will do with her new chance :)
I'm surprised that Sesshoumaru didn't think to assume she was a lesbian. I read the whole story thus far all before I fell asleep last night. And therefore I didn't fall asleep until after 2 a.m. Update soon!
Andrea (Chapter 4) - Mon 06 May 2013
I love this!!!
This is such a good story. Love the interactions. Can't wait to see what happens when they confront Naraku.
Keep it coming.
Siya (Chapter 3) - Tue 09 Apr 2013
I LOVE this story! Please update ASAP!!! i need more. Great job on the writing
I was captured by this chapter and I could not stop reading. I love how for once Sesshoumaru did the chasing. I love it! I cant wait to read more.
Darknessqueen0789 (Chapter 3) - Thu 04 Apr 2013
Oh I love this chapter! I love this fic! Everything was so intense! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Keep it coming.
This is a great story. Can hardly wait for the final chapter...I hope it's soon. Well done.
LHM!!!! I think I'll never tire of this story, I love this update, Please keep it comming =]
Matilda (Chapter 2) - Wed 03 Apr 2013
I absolutely LOVE this story! You've got the character traits down perfectly. I can't wait for the next chapter. Brilliant!
I love this story and can't wait to read the rest. Keep up the good work.
Great story........can't wait to read your next chapter..........
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