Thanks for the translations. I only made it to Spanish 3 (even knowing many Hispanic people I failed to grasp it well). Languages are hard for me to grasp. LOL I try to talk to the poor Germans on the street and end up thinking in Spanish and have very disjointed conversations. It's a good thing most Germans speak English or I'd be in a world of trouble. ;)
(Chapter 18) - Sun 05 Oct 2008
It is a neat idea that you have a spanish speaking character in your story, as well as that you use spanish words. However, if you do not know how to use them properly, they should not be used- same goes with Japanese words, else it will be offensive to the reader who speaks the language and sees that it is incorrect. Just like how you wouldn't want to read an english written story with errors in it, I would not like to read a spanish story with errors in it.[br][br]
Besides that, I thought your story was interesting in the beginning. Now however, I find it quite cliche'd. Your characterizations of Sesshoumaru is not quite to my liking and even though I like a sassy Kagome every now and then, you have her fluctuate between two ends of opposite spectrums so much that I find it hard to like her.[br][br]
You still need work as a writer.
Akay (Chapter 18) - Sat 04 Oct 2008
LMAO!!! Foamy has corrupted your mind!!! That was funny. AWESOME! SO I was completely off my mark in my guessing.
LadySafire (Chapter 1) - Sat 04 Oct 2008
Yes, thats it Zyren, darling, show the boys who's boss!
lol cute, and thanks for the trans. ^_^
Possessed (Chapter 18) - Sat 04 Oct 2008
Ahhh, I do so love your story... you write it so well and it is a real pleasure to read. I look forward to your updates.
LOVE IT!!! I can't wait to see these to have the fight of all fights that ends up with then having, torn, burned, whipped and disintergrated their clothes off and wrestling on the floor... with Kagome on top!!! Woo hoo! Eagerly awaiting next chapter.
REDWOLF (Chapter 17) - Fri 26 Sep 2008
BWAHAHAHAHA! I love it! Sesshoumaru..haha...sniffing (laughing so hard here, tears are rolling) Kagome (BWAHAHAHAHA) panties! OMG, your're the BEST! Keep up the great work and update soon, I can not wait to read what happens next! OH, you sooooo need an award for this fic!
*snort* hahahahaha. Hilarious!
Akay (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Sep 2008
(0_0)!!!!!! Naughty Naughty Sesshoumaru! We have quite a pervert on our hands. Lol. Lovely chapter. That chocolate milk scene was hilarious. Funny how his beast told him he have anger issues. Poor Miroku, he's going to get himself in a world of trouble getting caught up in Sesshoumaru's pervy "hobbies". I loved it. I really really loved it. *does a dance* I wonder... will Andres end up hooking up with Kagura? Who knows (except for you). Ah well waiting for that new update whenever that may be.
r0o (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Sep 2008
i love this story!
Akay (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Sep 2008
(0_0)!!!!!! Naughty Naughty Sesshoumaru! We have quite a pervert on our hands. Lol. Lovely chapter. That chocolate milk scene was hilarious. Funny how his beast told him he have anger issues. Poor Miroku, he's going to get himself in a world of trouble getting caught up in Sesshoumaru's pervy "hobbies". I loved it. I really really loved it. *does a dance* I wonder... will Andres end up hooking up with Kagura? Who knows (except for you). Ah well waiting for that new update whenever that may be.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PANTIES!!!! What a pervert! Muwahahahahahaha! I love it! This Chapter ending will have me laughing for days to come! Can't wait til the next chapters! This fic is getting better and better with each chapter! Sess is going to get Miroku killed though. One thing though I meant to say it before but forgot. When you use the Spanish could you have it translated? Unfortunately I took french in high school so I can only guess about what Andres is saying
Sasha (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Sep 2008
Ok, I, as we all do have a huge thing for sesshy, but im starting to wonder if Andres ties him..... Me = want = Andres....YUMMMM! *drool* Such a yummy telepath, the speaking in spanish helps too, makes me all mushy.
Anywho, onto the point of this review. Love the story, you rock, and PLEASE update soon!!!!!
Sahsa =^^=
Valore (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Sep 2008
omg!! LMAO wow sessho really is a big perv now isn't he lol. That was hilarious, the panty sniffing was a perfect ending to this chapter bravo!
gahh!! i'm in the middle of class right now and i have to keep from bursting out loud, too funny. i'm reading it again, i swear this is gonna get me into trouble
*inhales mint I was chewing on*
*exhales mint so hard it imbeds in wall, from force of laughter*
Haha, serves him right! *still chuckling until I see mint still in wall*
Great, now I have to dig that out.
Please update soon!
Oh la la !!! >:3
Seems we have a VERY naught dog >D. Makes Sesshomaru even more HOT!! XD!!
Anywho, great chapter as usual and like always, wonderful cliffy. I reeeally hope there will be a lemon later :3. Maybe, Sesshomaru's dream of Kagmoe dominating him will come true... XD!!
Keep it up =D
FleetingDream (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Sep 2008
Lol! What a prev, I love it. The naughtier you make Sesshoumaru the sexier I think he is ;-) whoo *fans self* there's something about a preverted Sesshoumaru that just makes me all hot and bothered lol. Of course, I liked this chapter and I'm so thankful for the quick update and I think I'm starting to really like Kagura, she stood her ground and I respect that. Also yay! Sesshoumaru's slowly coming around and at least he's admitting he wants her now. Thank god! Just one thing like Choas mentioned I kinda have a problem following some of the Spanish, now don't get me wrong it's hot stuff and I feel on the slow side for asking but could you translate. I understand some but its words I'm lost on. Sorry :-| I don't mean to be a pain but I get lost and it's really a bother to have to resort to contact clues all the time. But great chapter! Gimme gimme more lol good night or good morning, whenever you read this
slayer0427 (Chapter 16) - Sun 21 Sep 2008
I like ur style, keep going ne?! I do hope u keep updating soon!!!!
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