Reviews for Borrowed by Starfyre

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Nelly (Chapter 2) - Sat 27 Apr 2013

YES! An update! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this! Update as soon as you can!

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 2) - Fri 26 Apr 2013

I am excited and fascinated by this interesting story...looking forward to future chapters. Nicely written!

rose (Chapter 2) - Fri 26 Apr 2013

next chapter please

Nelly (Chapter 1) - Sat 20 Apr 2013

Such a good story!!! Please update!!! Sesshomaru's personality is spot on!!! Kagome's character too!! Damnit all of them are!!! Love this story! 

I gotta say. I really like this story cause other people who do a similar plot always have Sesshomaru as some kind of fiend/rapist. Not that can't work, but its been over done. Its a good change of pace when people do a story that diffent. Some parts cracked up like Inuyasha's part and how he 'told' Kagome. This story definatly has potentiontal, hope your not planning on dropping it!

Leomhaiin (Chapter 1) - Fri 12 Apr 2013

Great chapter! I am looking forward to the next one :)

phoenixgodess75 (Chapter 1) - Wed 03 Apr 2013

please get the next chapter out!!!     i would like to read this story . i love your first ch.   keep up the good work.

SorrowfulKikyo (Chapter 1) - Wed 20 Mar 2013

Ok just got done reading Blood in the water, and now I'm hooked on this one!  please....please (I'll give you cookies, and soda) update.

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 1) - Fri 15 Mar 2013

Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...... Please tell me you will be updating this story soon! Have mercy in my soul!!!!!!  TT.TT

JeniNeji (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

WOW! Amazing ! I love the idea, the way the plot seems to be heading. Yes, I have a vivid imagination and created chapter 2 like three times in my head :D


Keep up the awesome work and thanks for writing!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

This story sounds interesting, keep it coming.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

Sorry. That was suppose to day, 'Even with Kagome's always kind and forgiving heart I do not believe that anyone would have given in so easily to the secrecy and lies and what Sesshoumaru wants from her.'

Sess Koibito (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

I really do like the story so far. I don't believe I've ever seen this exact plot before. However, even with Kagome's always kind and forgiving heart that anyone would have given in that easily to the secrecy and lies and what Sesshoumaru wants from her. And how is she suppose to be with her child and raise that child if she's done her duty and back with Inuyasha? Those are just a few thoughts I had about the story and keeping Kagome and Sesshoumaru in character. If you are intending this story to be OOC just ignore me! Good job and update again soon!

Emma (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

So far I have enjoyed the story please write more soon. I think its a different take on things and that its kind of unique.

please write more

knifethrower (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

I like your style!  Direct.  No extraneous verbage.  Yet so emotive!  I could absolutely feel Kagome's emotions.  I could feel InuYasha's frustration with his inability to express himself, and also, his attempts at math, which really made me giggle and said more about the character than a whole chapter of tedious explanations.  The humor tied in very well with canon.  InuYasha's still kind of a jerk, weak as well as strong.  You even managed to make me understand how Sesshomaru felt, without violating him or making him a snivelling sissy boy.  Maybe, I hope, he feels even more that what he revealed...  I'm such a hopeless romantic.  Something I particularly like about this chapter is that, while you got a lot of business done in very short order, and very thoroughly, you left a bit of mystery when it comes to how each of the less major players on the stage perceived Kagome's Wedding Surprise!  I know being a student makes it hard to devote time to fan fiction, but I hope in future chapters you give us more details about exactly how knowed up the other characters were (especially Sango), and how they felt about their complicity.  I also have great expectations for what you are going to reveal about Sesshomaru's living arrangements, and of course, most of all, to watching Kagome getting to know Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru getting to know Kagome.   I'm really excited about this story! 

Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

So far I'm hooked! I can't say too much with only one chapter but, I like where the plot seems to be going! :D

Cherry (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

I like this concept. It is interesting. I will be waiting for more. I'm sorry I don't have anything more in depth to say, but I do really like your story.

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