Showing quite a bit of that haughty atitude of his and then he sees Kagome and goes of the deep end. Oh Sesshomaru if Only it were so easy! He's gonna have to suck it up and get over it. I'm just itching to see how, please update need more chapters!
Can't wait to read more. :)
*blink blink* Um dear authoress, um..... err...I was hoping that soon you might update. I also hope that this review finds you in good health.
tourmalineblue (Chapter 2) - Tue 10 Sep 2013
I'm loving this story so much ! You really need to continue writting and updating this story as soon as possible!
I really like this one. :D I hope you continue to write on this on as well. :)
Jayne (Chapter 2) - Sat 27 Jul 2013
Love it will she turn into an inu youkai though I could see that happening lol and shocking the hell outta sesshomaru I hope to update soon i can't wait to see what happens next :)
Lynn (Chapter 2) - Sun 10 Feb 2013
Wow! This is intense. The personalities are so true to character. I love how you write! Please continue the story.
Takari (Chapter 2) - Thu 03 Jan 2013
nooooo....u left it on such a good cliff hanger :( this is gonna bug me till u get another chap out, hopefully soon....and btw its very very good so far keep it up :)
Andrea (Chapter 2) - Fri 21 Dec 2012
I'm really enjoying this! I look forward to an update :)
Dira (Chapter 2) - Thu 15 Nov 2012
PLEASE CONTINUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Anonymous (Chapter 2) - Tue 06 Nov 2012
love this story...i hope that you are going to keep writing.
sesshykaglover (Chapter 2) - Mon 17 Sep 2012
This chapter was really good! Please update really soon!!!
smcandy (Chapter 2) - Thu 13 Sep 2012
Please try and pick up wither story I do not see many good mating seasons stories on the net and this one is one of the few good ones that keep everyone IC.
Update this please ASAP. If you need help continuing the story please let me know.
Authoress smcandy
Aw! Did ya have to stop there? Update sooon!
Please more?! You left the readers hanging and I am sure other people are dying to see what happens next =) great start on a sure to be great story!!!!!
Wow this is great please update soon.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! *throws c0okie making elves at you!* UPDATE!
Thank u for answering my plea with an update. Happy girl. Keep it comin
Keep it coming.
Any plans to perhaps continue this? I think this could make an incredible story. Just sayin....... :D.
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