Wow, this hasn't been beta'd? It sure seems like it has. Hehehehe...I cannot believe that Sesshomaru's mother is going to help him out. It's too good to be true! Yay! Thanks for updating. Keep it coming. ^^
Cathryn (Chapter 20) - Sun 04 Dec 2011
!!!!!!! I love this story!!!! keep up the wonderful work. those last two chapters nearly made me cry.
Katie (Chapter 19) - Sat 16 Jul 2011
This is excellent, I started readng your story and I just couldn't stop. You and your beta are just fantastic writters, I'm so glad to have stumbled upon this story. The detail you have present is soul shattering. You have Sesshomaru staying in his character even as he had a dramatic change in heart. He still dislikes humans, but only slightly less then before. You are headed on a good path with this story, and I cannot wait till you add more.
Hey, i just wanted to correct something. In chapter 17 where it says "Something told him that since this “cancer” was not of this time; Tenseiga would have no effect on it." isn't true. Cancer has been around since at least 460 BC ( Just wanted to let you know...

Anonymous (Chapter 19) - Mon 07 Mar 2011
Nyuka (Chapter 19) - Mon 28 Feb 2011
I respect an author who does their research. Funny how you never do escape homework...XP....So Kagome is dead, that hurts but You wont let her stay dead will you, he will bring her back wont he they will be happy, they will, THEY HAVE TO! T-T I'm sorry I'm just a little emotional great story!
Lola (Chapter 19) - Sat 26 Feb 2011
Oh how I love your story! *cry*
I hope he will be able to bring her back... and have many SessKago Juniors. PLS!! Update soon.
*more cries*
stef (Chapter 19) - Sat 26 Feb 2011
just started reading this fic. today and I couldn't stop crying at all throughtout it all. I loved the way you kept seshy in character with his emotions still hidden yet everything expressed in thought sometimes.
Brandie (Chapter 19) - Sat 26 Feb 2011
I have read this fanfic before when it was on another site and liked it and cant wait for the next chapters
Rose (Chapter 19) - Fri 25 Feb 2011
that was sad! i hope there's more i want t see how he brings her back. Please update soon!
holy crap whats gonna happen now!!!
Izzy (Chapter 19) - Thu 24 Feb 2011
OMG this was so sad T_T i cant wait to see where this is going <3
Ashes (Chapter 19) - Thu 24 Feb 2011
Awwww. So sweet and sad and... *choke, tear* Even as it is this wouldn't be too bad of an ending. It was actually more peaceful than I thought it'd be. Great job.
It's a lovely story and I beg you to keep going with it.
Wonderfully written and very emotional. I loved the poem. You wrote his last moments with her very well.
martha (Chapter 19) - Thu 24 Feb 2011
WOw this chapter brought a couple of tears into my eyes. Even though this story so sad I love it. can't wait to see what gonna happen next Thanks
Namida (Chapter 19) - Thu 24 Feb 2011
This is a really good story, No offence to you but I myself am suprized I am able to read it and keep wanting to. In may of last year I lost my grandmother to lung cancer that spread and turned to malignant brain cancer, a blood clot shot to her heart from her leg and killed her. I am not telling you to make you feel bad for me or anything, but I wanted you to know that your story is helping me even after almost a year. I love your story, and can't wait to read more.
Dragoness (Chapter 19) - Thu 24 Feb 2011
I think this chapter was great. I agree that it was inevitable. You have done a wonderful job of writing this story and making it realistic. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Heartfelt emotion in this chapter. I kept remember how my Grandfather held and whispered to my Grandmother a few years ago when she passed away because of a brain tumor.
Can't wait to see what he's going to do to get her back.
@_@ I'm all teary-eyed right now, that was so SAD! but oh so painfully sweet at the same time, you're doing a great job and i can't wait to see what happens next!
Ms.mE (Chapter 19) - Thu 24 Feb 2011
Woah!! Man very sad...T_T...But it promises a very good ending!
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