LMAO "Kagome answered, "You can go jump in a lake. I'm hungry."" Seriously, best line ever xD
It'ss too bad there's only one chapter, I'd really like to see what happens next ! :)
Arc-an Angel (Chapter 1) - Sun 02 Aug 2009
You have to update lol This was too funny, I love it! Can't wait to see what happens next.
LMAO!!! hahahaha
rowdysgirl (Chapter 1) - Thu 23 Jul 2009
Irony! Your story is the definition of irony! And also, be careful what you wish for, you might get it. Very well written, excellent plot and funny as hell!
lmao thats fantastic!
lol kinky wonder how hes gonna get her to behave
That was funny! I'm interested in the next part..heehee ^.^
Oh MY! I love it already... update soon... I can't wait to see how this plays out.
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