Oh, she is such a brat! LOL!
I like her analyzing him... too funny the little cat and mouse game she is playing.
While this story has a definite melancholic feel to it, there is also the playful feeling of her toying with him. You blend the two effortlessly. I love the dialogue and descriptions, you do both very well! I can't wait to see where she leads him next!
LC Rose (Chapter 3) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
Are you sure if wasn't YOU looking up slub porn, Incomp? :-) lol! I liked this one. You totally caught me up in the rhythm she was stuck in, feeling the melody and a sense of loss when there was nothing at the end. And the slug sex...I'm gonna have to go see what she found so porn about that one.
LC Rose (Chapter 2) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
I absolutely loved the grave side scene with Kagome and jiji. And I understand exactly what she's talking about. Oh god, I've agreed with her twice now. Does that make me crazy? And I take it Sesshoumaru was not a part of her past with Inuyasha? Or am I wrong?
Nobody (Chapter 1) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
Incomp that was interesting. i dont think i have ever seen a fic quite go this way so i cant wait to see more. And 25 is way better than and even number because it is a multiple of five!
Nobody (Chapter 1) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
LC Rose (Chapter 1) - Mon 09 Feb 2009
Oh wow. That was definitely...new. I don't think I've ever read a fic with this plot before! YEAH! LC loves new things... And man can you do a good crazy Kagome. I loved the session she had with Sesshoumaru. She was hillarious. And whole sock thing? I understand what she's talking about. BUT I don't like to wear matching ones...
Get more rope burns!
Possessed (Chapter 3) - Mon 09 Feb 2009
Zilch? Zero? Nada?
NONE of that has anything to do with this chapter... LOL!
I love how you build the level of frustration in each of their characters! This is so different, and so good! (I feel like it is my own private fic, since no one else has reviewed it yet.) Please don't stop working on it. I will bring others here!
Possessed (Chapter 2) - Fri 23 Jan 2009
This is very well written and I am interested to see where you take it from here. I like the portrayals you have chosen for both Kagome and Sess.
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