Eliona Profile Page

About Me

Hello! So for starters *clears throat* I've been an Inuyasha fan for about 10 years now (and Im currently 22), hmm...Ive been reading fanfiction for about that long too I LOVE reading, Sesshomaru and Kagome being my favorite pair off (of course, lol) I am a complete and total hybrid of gamer and otaku, I love playing video games and watching anime <3 Anywho, Im trying to write a fanfiction myself for the first time, so don't be too harsh with me please :D

My favorite fanfiction of all time is not on this site, but I've read it at least 3 times because it really is JUST. THAT. AMAZING. Its called "Tales from the House of the Moon" here is the link for all you curious souls out there. I didn't write this, but I can only hope to be HALF as talented as this writer =)


So if you have any questions or if you want someone to talk to about potatoes, message me xD ta ta for now friends!


User Status

12 years ago
5 hours ago
11 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts4

Forum Posts
07/31/2019 17:49:41Re:About a wandering kagome...Searching for a Fic...3729
07/08/2019 06:39:58About a wandering kagome...Searching for a Fic...3729
02/09/2019 05:04:37Re:Help! Fic RecommendationRecommendations33902
07/12/2018 04:05:47Re:Inuyasha makes sesshomaru an offerSearching for a Fic...3472




Eliona has 1 stories

After finally settling down and starting a new life in the Feudal era Kagome once again is tossed into a new dance with destiny, with history itself at stake can she save the world from the ultimate evil?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 15 Mar 2013  -  Updated: 22 May 2013
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 15  -  Words: 9,613  -  Reads: 9,620

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 18

My sweet fantasies
[SessKag] Stationery
Kagome - Realism
come and take it..... if you dare
  • come and take it..... if you dare
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
If you want her, you have to go through me...
Once Upon a Spell *Colored*
Winds of Change
Kagome vs. Sesshomaru
  • Kagome vs. Sesshomaru
  • Author: Itoe
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding : Colored
  • Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding : Colored
  • Author: Blackthorn
  • Category: Fanart
Miko may I kiss you
.:Commission-sesskag-New Lady:.
Pikabunny Colored
Kagome With the Rain (Take 3)
.:Love Strip:.
Three's a Crowd


Name Entry
Moonlight Silk

Created On: 11/17/2019 14:51:54

Thank you so much for posting a review for Life Lessons. I am glad that you liked it though to be honest it was the first story I ever wrote and it has numerous flaws. About the bread, point taken.


Created On: 02/10/2019 23:40:00

Thank you for your continued support. I hope to have the chapters up sooner now that I am on the mend.


Created On: 10/27/2018 17:53:58

I'm glad you were stunned. That makes it worth writing it. I hope you continue to follow this story. Thanks again for your review.
Feedback from Eliona: Yes of course! It’s my pleasure you are an amazing writer.

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/07/2015 13:31:27

Thank you for reading and reviewing another of my stories. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and hope you'll keep on reading.


Moonlight Silk

Created On: 10/28/2013 08:54:57

Thanks for the review! But more babies...Maybe?

Luna C.

Created On: 08/26/2013 08:26:00

Thank you for your review.

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 08/19/2013 20:43:06

Thanks for the review and the support!

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/29/2013 21:43:19

I am really happy that you read all the chapters and you like what I have written so far. I will update as often as I can. And thanks for the great reviews!
Feedback from Eliona: My pleasure take your time! Quality over quantity my dear

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/29/2013 09:45:27

Thank you so much for the review on my fic Bent. And I really hope that you like the rest of it!

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/18/2013 16:59:03

Thank you so much for your kind review. I really tried my best to write a good story, and when I get praises like yours it makes the effort worthwhile.

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