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Have a blessed day!

~Siki :3





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09/30/2010 20:08:05Re:Name that SongForum Games58077
09/22/2010 16:46:27Re:The importace of author's notes...Off-Topic Discussion61465
09/02/2010 01:10:06Re:cooking 'oops' moment?Off-Topic Discussion4493
08/25/2010 22:40:43Re:show ya selves to ya fellow dokugainsOff-Topic Discussion311443
08/21/2010 04:04:55Re:What famous writer do you write like?Off-Topic Discussion15485
08/16/2010 21:17:21Re:What's more frightening?Off-Topic Discussion54930
08/10/2010 09:19:39Re:Where do you live?Off-Topic Discussion81585
07/22/2010 11:06:23Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games636524


  Alysia DeMaggio
  Aoi Mitsuki


EagleFeathersInMyHair has 4 stories

Sesshoumaru won't go anywhere near chocolate, and Kagome is determined to figure out why. The answer isn't quite as obvious as she had previously suspected... *Oneshot*
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 20 Jul 2010  -  Updated: 20 Jul 2010
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 941  -  Reads: 5,895
Native American AU - Kagome is a maiden of the tribe. Her father has told her that she must marry a warrior of the People, but she's been having dreams of a man she has never met before. A tragedy strikes her family, and Kagome has a choice: to follow the desires of her heart, no matter how selfish... or to follow bravely the Red Road of what is right.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 23 Jun 2010  -  Updated: 04 Sep 2010
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 17  -  Reviews: 74  -  Words: 31,589  -  Reads: 19,627
She was a goddess, Lady of the Hunt and Wilderness. He was the Hunter, greatest of all the land. Their love was forbidden, despised by the gods. Neither could have predicted such a violent end, nor could they have known that their tale would be forever painted with stars across the night sky. The story of Sesshoumaru as Orion the Hunter and Kagome as Artemis of the Forests and Hills told in three chapters. *Part 1 of Sess/Kag in Mythology Series*
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 30 Aug 2010  -  Updated: 02 Sep 2010
Genre: Angst, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 11  -  Words: 10,456  -  Reads: 7,413
He was the Sculptor of Cyprus, master of his craft. She was his creation, perfection rendered in ivory. Even as he spurned women of flesh and blood, he considered her the epitome of what a woman should be. The story of Pygmalion and Galathea with Sesshoumaru as the artist and Kagome as his most revered work, told in two chapters. *Part 2 of Sess/Kag in Mythology Series*
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 06 Sep 2010  -  Updated: 13 Sep 2010
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 11  -  Words: 5,566  -  Reads: 7,932


Total number of images: 7

r0o's Kami of Punishment - Sango
  • r0o's Kami of Punishment - Sango
  • Category: Others
Aiko's Corrupted
  • Aiko's Corrupted
  • Category: Fanart
MissTeak's Happily Ever After - Capter Nine
  • MissTeak's Happily Ever After - Capter Nine
  • Category: Fanart
Wisteria Inspired
  • Wisteria Inspired
  • Category: Fanart
Miss Teak's Shanghai 1930
  • Miss Teak's Shanghai 1930
  • Category: Fanart
R0o's Kami of Punishment: Sango
  • R0o's Kami of Punishment: Sango
  • Category: Others
R0o's Concept Kagome: Feathers
  • R0o's Concept Kagome: Feathers
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 300

Shikon Guardian
Random Morning Doodle WIP 1
dark desire
My Heir
the oken
The Moonlight WIP
Possessive Love
Sesshomaru Inked
r0o's Empress of the Kami; Hatsumomo!
  • r0o's Empress of the Kami; Hatsumomo!
  • Author: Lilith
  • Category: Others
Playing with Fire
His Folly
Your Back?
SessKag - In Your Eyes
King and Queen
Moko-Moko Challenge
Jungle Girl
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 15 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 04/22/2011 11:39:59

I just say hello, for you wished it.^^
And I wish you a nice WE.

Aoi Mitsuki

Created On: 10/15/2010 08:40:13

Elle Misses Siki~!!
How have you been?
I've read *from dear Jasmine's post just below* about a coma. *Elle being nosy, but couldn't resist XP*
I do hope you're alright~
Get well soon~!!


Created On: 09/27/2010 17:14:52

OMG your review almost made me cry!! Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you found my story and are enjoying it. I was so afraid when I first started writting it that no one was going to like it! I wish I could say how long it's going to go but I just don't know. I'm hoping for at least 20 chapters but it really depends on if I can keep it interesting enough for my readers to enjoy. But, you're right Sesshoumaru has a long way to go before he seems even remotely normal. Romance is definitely on the backburner for a while but there will be a few Sesshou/Kags fluff moments coming soon. Thanks again for reading and enjoying and I hope I can keep you coming back for more! ~Daniella~


Created On: 09/22/2010 23:09:07
Edited By BlueHeavensAngel On: 09/22/2010 23:13:44

Argh! Your wall hates me! I'm just going to PM you... T_T


Created On: 09/22/2010 22:24:19

OHMIGOSH sweetheart please tell me you're okay!! *frets* Don't worry about me; I was just under the impression that you were really busy with school and your commitments, and I can definitely understand that. *stares at decomposing thesis document in computer* But I never expected something so serious!!!

Kode is already taking your reaction to the coma very well!! LOL. I would have totally gone into a coma if you woke up telling me it was pretty cool that you've never actually been in one. Now, let's see...how did it feel?? I've always wanted to know. LOL. Okay, that was a lousy joke. Thought you might need a laugh but, oh gosh, I am rambling but I am just glad you're well enough to come online again. *huggggggs* I missed you so!! It's just different not having you around to talk to. When will you be getting discharged?


Created On: 09/16/2010 17:36:51

Hey! Your story was awesome and I loved how it had such an awesome new edge to it. I don't think I've seen a story quite like it by another author so keep it up, cuz i love it!



Created On: 09/13/2010 13:29:51

SIKI!!! *POUNCES* I've missed you!! It feels kinda strange to have not talked to you for so long, but I know how real life can be!! XD How's everything going? I've just discovered a new manga/anime titled 'Hakuouki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~' and it's AWESOME. SO MANY GOOD-LOOKIN' ANIME BISHIES for me to drool over. You know, Shinsengumi, the 'military police' force which protected the city of Kyoto during the Bakufu period in 19th century Japan. Here's a picture:


*drowns in fangirl drool*

Wow!! you must be really, really good at what you do, my dear! I could only wish I was half as good at makeup as you are! Did you do dramatic styles or the more natural ones? I lurrrrve dramatic eye makeup XD

I've read your awesome story, the one in which Sesshoumaru sculpts Kagome, and I loved every bit of it. Your descriptions were wonderful, and so was the storyline. Talk about romantic!!! I am a sucker for anything romantic, so it made me very happy indeed. ZOMG you're a GinRan fan too!! XD YAY! I adore GinRan ever since he apologized to her at the time of the great betrayal, and okay, let me spoil it for you then!

In chapters 414 onwards till 417 (if I didn't remember wrongly), Gin......BETRAYED AIZEN. He tried to snatch the Hougyoku jewel back from Aizen so he could destroy it, but ended up having his arm ripped off by the seemingly immortal Aizen and stabbed before being sent crashing into some building. Prior to that, Gin had pretended to 'kill' Rangiku who went in search of him by sealing her aura with a Kido spell. So, Rangiku subsequently recovered from the spell, and practically went flying to a dying Gin's side. Then we all got a heartbreaking flashback moment and apologetic thoughts on Gin's part, and found out that he became a Shinigami simply because he wanted to 'take something that they (Aizen and cronies) had taken from Rangiku back' and 'make sure things end without Rangiku having to cry'. Romantic, much?? Arrrrrgh. And Gin seems to be dying. BUT. Didn't Kubo Tite just make the GinRan pairing oh-so-canon??

OK. I basically spammed my darling with Bleach updates. LOL. Sorry sweetie!

Oh dear, thinking about aspiration changes in a foreign language scares this lousy MissTeak to no end~ I tried looking for more clips with people speaking Cheyenne, and it sounds really difficult to pronounce! But it's so beautiful too.I can never do this. I already have a problem with pronouncing the 'r' in French. Par exemple...l'agent et l'argent. My tongue finds it pretty hard XD

OK, now lime green eyes ARE scary. How do they even turn glowy green?? *baffled* I've never imagined eye colors changing with mood!! This is really cool. Siki, you have AMAZING eyes. In both the physically-attractive way and the color-changing ability way. LOL. Now, my eyes are REALLY boring XD Speaking of family traits, oh dear, I'd love to have one so I can tell you about it but sadly, no. I'm just as boring and as uninspiring as I am, LOL. There's nothing remotely exciting, really.

You've definitely been to many, many types of school, Siki! I'm liking that idea very much, since I think it gave you the exposure to different study environments and cultures and I am sure the experience was what molded you into the open-minded and knowledgeable individual you are! It's understandable that parents living on reserves would insist for their children to attend reserve schools, since it would also allow the children to blend in easily with their peers as well. Did you enjoy your time at boarding school? I've spent a couple of semesters at my university dorm in my first year, and it was really cool. Though I have to admit, I didn't really like the idea of going out to clubs to party every night. Some of the people at the dorm loved doing so, and while I have nothing against people who do so, I wasn't quite a fan of it. And peer pressure's a b*tch, really.

LOL!!! Soy sauce and wasabi and ginger??! I love eating them separately, but mixing them together is...(o.O)" Your brother is really creative! XD No wonder the poor guy cried! I am surprised he didn't start spitting flames. Wasabi is potent stuff, but I love it with sashimi~ thinking about the awesome sushi I had at Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo makes me hungry~

AHHHH!! You love those little plastic toys too??? OMG! I totally love you. I thought no one else like to dig around for those crappy little toys like I do. There was once when they had Jurassic Park trading cards inside those boxes of cereal, and God knows how many boxes of Froot Loops I ate. I swear, I was rather convinced I would turn multi-colored. XD I saw that cricket recipe. Like, okay, thanks for the recipe but NO THANKS!! *runs away from crickets*

Yes, please tell Kode that 6'4" is VERY, VERY, VERY TALL. He'd be EXTREMELY prominent if he walks along the street in Singapore. My first boyfriend was 5'11", and I always got comments like, "Oooh your boyfriend is so tall." Now he doesn't seem that tall after all! HURHUR. I don't know if I've told you this, but my last boyfriend was...barely an inch taller than I was. Which made him, what...5'4"? LOL. Welcome to Asia, darling!! A large majority of the Japanese boys are even smaller in stature. One of my friends from Kobe University is 158cm, which is...let's see...5'2".

LOL your brothers have names starting with 'J' as well? That's cool! But oh well, I'd prefer to be called Siki among the many Michelles, Saras... I have five Saras in my phone's contact list and it's always 'Sara-who??' for me. It's a beautiful name, but it doesn't help me remember who's who XD

Ooooh I'd love twin girls!! XD I'll dress them up in girlie floral dresses, tie ribbons in their hair and take them to high tea and feed them pretty cakes!! You got me laughing out loud at your comment...don't we all wish to be knocked out and handed babies? LOL. Do you have a preference when it comes to the baby's gender?

Aha! Wait for me, USA! I'm coming to take the country by storm with my awesome Chinese cooking!!! ...in my dreams. This useless one here can't neither cook up anything fancy nor anything that's fit for human consumption.

I wish your brother all the best! I don't know him, of course, but I told the guardian Mother of the Seas to watch over Siki's brother when I went to the temple on Saturday I miss you lots~

Aoi Mitsuki

Created On: 09/12/2010 11:43:44

hahaha noooo~ Sailor Siki iz not a bad person~!! *fake french accent* LOL

How have you been these days XD Got started on your wedding plans? XD

Awww, my NCLEX review is just soooo tiring... and surprisingly boring @_@ But hey, the instructor's cute! So I get to look at an eye candy while learning~ *grins* too bad though, he's taken @_@ hahaha

Thanks Siki~ ^^ I'm all better now~ I think gulping hella lots of water and juice helped me XD

hahaha wow, your Italian greyhound sounds like a dog practicing Celibacy~ XD haha How did you teach him that? My dog's a crazy case of Dog Hormones when guys visit us. LOL No way stopping the man hunting dog XP And yes, although I should be feeling weird about being surrounded by gay organisms, I couldn't hate them or even think of them as annoying. XP they are all dear and funny~ XD And I'm very fond of funny people too! XD *no wonder I fell in love with one and I didn't even know he was gay @_@)

ahahaha yeeesshhh~ I'm THAT lucky being able to SKIP Calculus forever~!! XD (Unless I'd plan on studying again -- which involves going through Crapuseless XP). I LOOOOVED Trig~!! XD It was one of the classes I get to understand so easily~ XD I like puzzles and formulas. I should have taken Engineering or any course that's math-related but my grandparents needed me more, and I wanted to take care of them, thus, I took nursing instead~ But hey, they do have math too XD too bad it was only for one semester @_@ But I DESPISED chemistry so much that same semester @_@ hahaha

I can't wear nail polish for work once I start, too. My mom's hands are soooo pretty despite her age (she's 42 but most people in that age starts to have their hands wrinkled). I'm sooo envious of her hands haha I wish I got that from her. I have my middle fingers curving away from my forefingers. Not overly so, it's not noticeable. But I do notice it a lot, though I rarely extend my fingers straight. XP

hahaha I pride myself for having an accurate and 24/7-working Bishie Radar. But I guess other than that, I'm completely unaware of other things LOL

hahaha once I'm bishie-rich, you need to form an excuse to your hubbie~ XD And yes, being picky have its quirks~ They'd think you're being soooo mean that they would back off and they tend to think I'm off limits and I'm for decor only. Which I'd rather prefer than having guys come after me. I hate it when guys think they'd like to date you coz they think you'd settle for someone (no matter who they are) out of loneliness or desperation @_@ hey, I'm not desperate for a relationship. Or coz you're simply single. If I'd have a REAL and close boyfriend, he better be someone who can please my eyes(LOL bishies yeahhhh XD) and can control my temper. I don't like guys who easily bow down in defeat. XD

From an article I've read online and a documentary I've watched, Japanese hosts are quite expensive(ahaha I got curious after reading a romantic/comedy manga about a host and a high school girl). Around 5000 to 20,000 yen if I remember correctly. Like seriously!? just to sit there beside them and have a girly squeal time with a man who'd woo you like a princess? @_@ WOW... just WOW @_@
I haven't been to Japan before, but I sure want to visit XD. Historical places first, then party in the host bars YEAH! XD hahaha *sigh* the sadness of a "technically" single lady with a cursed love life LOL


Created On: 09/10/2010 07:02:06

OMG I'm soooo glad I decided to check my phone!! YAY!! ) sweetie, don't worry about your late reply - I kinda figured you were really busy! I wanted to PM you to ask how you were doing, but I thought that'd be so clingy of me! Like mad-stalkerish LOL. But yes, I saw your new story, and I'll definitely check it out ASAP! I've just started a new GinRan story on FF.net, titled "The White Fox" and got a little preoccupied with it. As for that person on FF.net, well, I'd like to say "Wow! Now you know people actually have real lives! You can go get one for yourself now. BYE."

lol. Anyway dearie, I'll reply to the wall post later I'm still outside now!


Created On: 09/05/2010 15:43:07

thanks so much for your lovely comment!
it's very much appreiciated

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